Chapter 24

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My head pounds like a drum against my skull, in a uneven rhythm that frustrates me. I wriggle my fingers, brushing the blue bed cover and pulling the transparent drip in the top of my left wrist. I can't breath through my nose as it's blocked with another tub that snakes into my nose and in my body. Numbness spreads through my entire body, tingling my senses. I blink a few times, absorbing my surroundings of the white hospital room, behind me is numerous computers with colourful lights flashing on them and they beep constantly.

I glance to my right, smiling. Steve is sat on a blue plastic chair, his sleeping face lent on the bed and his forehead against his crossed arms.

"Welcome back."

I look to the door, seeing Clint leaning against the white wall, his eyes staring at the floor, frozen.

"Clint?" I whisper.

His head snaps up, smiling sympathetically at me, his eyes now sparkle.

"Hey, Hattie. How are you feeling?" He asks quietly.


"That will be from the blood transfusion, you should be fine within the next few hours."

"My Uncle was right. I couldn't handle the truth because the truth tried to kill me." I whisper.

"No. Your Uncle is wrong. You found out the truth and your past, you handled it. The only thing that tried to kill you was Loki. He's being dealt with." Clint corrects me.

"Did his army take over?" I quickly question.

"Of course not. Do you not believe in us Hattie?" He asks back, his voice getting louder.

Steve jolts awake, sitting up instantly while scanning me up and down. A small smile fills his lips.

"Welcome back to Earth, Hatz." He teases.

"Clint woke you." I admit, pointing to him at the back of the room.

"Sor-ry." Clint sings.

"You are extremely brave, Hattie. I knew you wouldn't leave us." Steve mumbles, twisting his fingers together and staring at the floor.

"Of course i wasn't going to leave. You can't get rid of me that easily." I joke and Steve chuckles under his breath.

There's a knock at the door, it opens and a red caped God marches in, closing the door behind him. He places his magical hammer onto the floor, creating a slight vibration and folds his arms over his chest.

"Good afternoon Hattie." He bellows.

"Hattie?" I question, confusion filling me. Uncle has never called me Hattie, Im always Harriet.

"That is your name, isn't it?"

"Depends. Apparently Im also called Freyja." I whisper, glancing for his reaction. Nothing.

"You know?"

"Of course i know. I wasn't going to die without knowing everything." I point out.

"We should go." Steve suggests, standing up and walking over to Clint.

"Get well soon." Clint smiles, walking out of the room, followed by Steve.

"I promise, Harriet, that i won't let you be hurt again." Uncle promises.

"How can you promise that? Im going to be hurt everyday. You can't stop that. Everyone hurts everyday but they hide it." I explain, staring at my fingers.

"Okay, I promise that my brother won't hurt you again." He corrects himself.

"Your adopted brother you mean?" I question.

"You do know everything, Little One." He mumbles.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"In SHIELD until i can take him back to Asgard where he belongs." Uncle announces.

"Where I belong?"

"No. You belong here, Harriet. This is your home."


My power heals me within a few hours and I send Steve to persuade them to discharge me. He returns, smiling and sending me a thumbs up. I smile, pulling off the covers and i climb out, loosing my balance slightly and Steve places his hands under my arms, holding me up.

"Careful." He warns, bringing me back onto my feet.

"Thanks." I mutter.

I step out of the room, pulling my hoodie over my head and over my jogging bottoms. Following Steve out, he marches up to reception. I sign some forms and people crowd around the desk, asking to be examined. I wave goodbye then stop outside, feeling a slight breeze hit my face and spreading the cold down my body, forcing goosebumps onto my skin. Steve unlocks his black car and i climb in, leaning my head against the cool window and watching the hospital pass as he starts to drive out of the hospital car park.

Reaching SHIELD, I climb out by leaning my weight on the car and i follow Steve into the building. The receptionist smiles at me as we walk to the elevator, I try my best to keep my head low. We reach floor 13 and I follow Steve in, the workers all stop on their computers to watch me. The same workers that were held hostage by Loki. I march ahead of Steve, trying to escape their sympathetic faces.

"Room 3!" Steve shouts after me.

I walk down a corridor and turn left, standing in front of the white door. Knocking, someone shouts to enter and i open the door.

All of the Avengers are sat around the glass table in black leather chairs, stood at the top is Fury and my Uncle Thor. Tony is playing on his phone, Clint twisting an arrow in his hand, Natasha smiling at me and Doctor Banner is staring at the table.

"Welcome back, Harriet." Uncle bellows.

"Yeah, okay, thanks. Where is he?" I ask quickly.

All of the Avengers turn to me, confusion and shock on their faces.

"Harriet, you need to rest. I don't think you should see him yet." Uncle admits, his voice deep and demanding.

"Im fine." I insist.

"Hatz, your Uncle is right. I'll take you to your room." Steve offers, opening the door and waving me out.

Anger and frustrating seeps into me, i sigh as i cross my arms and storm out of the room.

"Why are you on my Uncle's side?" I question as we walk down a white corridor.

"Im not on anyone's side. I just want what's best for you, Hatz. Seeing Loki won't end well for either of you." Steve whispers.


We reach my room, I open the door and it's exactly how i left it before everyone was held. Except, layed on the bed are three photo envelopes. I step forward, picking up the first one and flicking through the photos, the same ones that were on the wall at Steve's. Turning on my feet, I see him smiling at me.

"How did you get all these?" I ask, tilting my head slightly in question.

"Your Uncle has them all saved and he got Tony to print them all again for you." Steve explains.

"I didn't know he had them saved." I admit, staring down at the one in my hand. A seven year old version of me sat next to my Uncle, painting with my fingers. He is laughing as i lean across and place my hand print next to his drawing of me.

"Thanks, Steve." I whisper, hearing him close the door as he walks out of my room.

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