Chapter 11

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I wake up on the sofa, my back aching and i see Steve is asleep, leaning on his left hand. I stand up, turning the blank tv off and walking across the living room to the kitchen. After opening numerous cupboards i find the cereal and two bowls. I fill both of them and then pour milk in just one. I carry it to the living room and sit at the wooden dining table, eating the cheerios.

I heart Steve wake up, groaning as he stretches his sleepy muscles.

"Your breakfast is on the side." I announce, smiling over at him.


Steve walks out of the living room and the reappears with his bowl of cereal as he sits opposite me.

"So, SHIELD gives you $48 (£30) a month to spend on clothes and other things. You get double at the start of December and you can use it to go out with friends or anything you want. You don't have to pay rent to stay here." Steve explains, his voice full of kindness.

"Steve, I don't have any friends. I've been living in SHIELD." I point out, smiling slightly.

"I know, but maybe now is the time to make some friends." He suggests, raising an eyebrow questioningly.

"Maybe." I mumble, finishing my breakfast.

I place the bowl in the dishwasher and climb the stairs. I reach my new bedroom, jump in the shower and pull on jeans and a t-shirt. I then pull my damp black hair into a plait, grab my laptop and memory stick. Then, I open the doors to my balcony, sitting on the floor and leaning my back against the concrete, not facing the pool.

I log onto the laptop and push the memory stick into the slot. I find the result sheet from my test and read through it again.

"Shows clear signs of mutation, most probably inherited" I read Tony's notes.

My mind processes it and tries to figure out the possible outcomes.

"Hattie?" Steve shouts.

I quickly close the window as he walks onto the balcony, seeming relieved when he sees me.

"We have to go to the Avengers." He announces.

I close the laptop, standing up and sending him a questioning loom.


"There's an emergency." He whispers, walking out of the balcony and through my bedroom.

I follow him downstairs and out the front door, closing it behind me. The cold wind races along my skin as i open the door to the Mercedes. Steve pulls out of the driveway and i clip my seatbelt on.

"What's the emergency?" I question, glancing over at him driving.

"You've got a letter." He says, his voice full of warning and fear.

A letter? I've never had a letter before?

We pull into the SHIELD car park, i climb out and notice there are more cars then usual. I follow Steve inside, into the elevator and up to floor 13. I step out, walking through the control room as workers type on their computers.

"You didn't have to tell her. We could have destroyed it." I hear my Uncle's deep voice bellow.

I stop abruptly, staring at Steve. He notices and turns around, his eyes full of sympathy.

"He comes back for a stupid letter. A letter he doesn't even want me to read?" I whisper.

"Hatz, it's okay. It's just, we don't know what's in this letter. We don't want you in danger." He explains.

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