The winner

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Emma's pov

"So, how are we going to do the voting?" I asked.

"Are we going to vote in groups aswell?"

"I say we vote for ourselves and not in a group, but of course you cant vote for your own photo." Robin said, and everyone agreed.

Robin started" I say Emma and Killian should win"

I glanced at Killian with a smirk.

"Then I'll vote for yours Robin" Killian said laughing." A photo of a no photos sign.."

Robin laughed.

"I say Emma and Killian aswell" Regina said.

"Same" Ruby replied.

"I liked Aurora's picture" I said.

"Thanks, I vote for Ruby and Neal"

"I vote on the Coffee photo that we didn't do" Will said. I had no idea what he was talking about.

"Oke, thats impossible for two reasons: you cant vote for yourself and that photo wasn't part of the contest!" Aurora yelled.

"Still, it was the best one"

"Oke, Will is disqualified" Neal said, "I vote for Aurora and Will by the way, but that doesn't really make a difference anymore I guess.

I highfived Killian and we all laughed.
We did some other useless things that night and eventually everyone just fell asleep. We layed all of top of each other. It was one bed shared with eight people, but it was cozy. I layed in Killians arms, which was really comfortable. The less comfortable things were Ruby's legs on my stomach, The fact that Killian was laying on top of Robin, and I on top of him, Neals head on my leg and Regina's arms on killians face. We must have looked ridicules. I dont even know how it fit.

When we woke up we all had a lot of pain, which was to be expected. Killian and I wanted our reward so we went to the ice cream shop right after breakfast.

Killians pov

We went to the ice cream shop and the first thing I noticed was two guys looking at Emma. Anger boiled up inside me. I tried to ignore them but I couldn't.

After we ordered our ice cream one of the guys made his way torwards Emma. This made me even more angry, and kinda scared. What if she liked him? What if she liked him even more than me?

They started talking but I couldn't hear what they were saying, eventhough I was standing next to them, I just couldn't focus on the conversation.

I decided to get out of here, since I clearly wasn't needed anymore. I walked to the bathroom and exited through the backdoor.

Emma's pov

This seemed like a nice guy. I knew he was flirting with me, but I ignored it. I had Killian, I didn't need him. But he was nice. He said his name was Graham, he had a vacation job here in Malaga.

Suddendly I noticed Killian was gone.

"Have you guys seen Killian?" I said, compleetly ignoring Graham.

They all shook their heads.
I went looking for him, and Graham followed.

When we exited through the backdoor we arrived in an alley. He wasn't here. Where the hell was he? He cant just have gone up in smoke..

Graham put his hand on my shoulder.

"We'll find him, dont worry" he said. I nodded.

After a while longer we decided to all just go to our hotelroom, Graham gave me his number so maybe we could hang out sometime. I accepted. After that we went back

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