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Mary Margaret's pov

David and I had gone out for the groceries that afternoon, and now, we had finally found all the ingredients for dinner tonight.

When we opened the door and walked into the livingroom, we saw something we though we would never see again. A happy Emma. But not just a happy Emma. We also saw a guy with black hair laying on the couch with her. She was sleeping in his arms and Henry was playing on the ground. Neither of them had noticed us yet.

I wonder, could this be him?

"Ughum" I akwardly said, to get his attention. He immediately turned around his head and saw us. He looked kinda scared. Probably because of David's angry expression.

"Hi.." He said.

"I'm Killian.."

"I thought so" I smiled at him to make him feel a little less uncomfortable.

"I am Mary Margaret, I am Emma's mother, and this is David, her father."

"Hi..its nice to meet you" He said.

Emma slowly woke up.

"Killian?" she asked.

"Your parents are here" he whispered back at her. She jumped up which caused me to laugh.

I decided to leave them alone for now and started cooking dinner.


"So, are you staying here in Boston?" David asked.

"Yeah, I mean, I have some chatching up to do" Killian answered.

David had been throwing questions at him for the past half an hour, and it was starting to get really akward. He had never taken his angry expression off.

"You dont mind leaving everything behind for my daughter?"

Emma had burried her head in her hands. This must be really akward for her.

"No" he said without hesitation.

"I love her, and I always will"

His answers made my heart melt. I get why Emma fell for him, he is so cute.

"hmm" David said. He clearly didn't trust him yet, but it was understandable. It is a dads job to be overprotective over his daughter.

"Well then." I decided to stop this pointers question asking now that I had a chance to.

"If you are staying, I guess, welcome to the family then."

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