Where are you?!

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Killians pov

The door was opened and it revieled an old woman.

"Umm, Ms.. Does Emma Swan live here?" I asked.

"No.." She said confused.

"It's just me and twinkle here" she smiled as she picked up the cat standing beside her.

I was really confused. Why would Emma give me a wrong adress?

"Wait, Swan did you say?" she asked kindly.

"Yes! Do you know her?"

"The Swan's were the last owners of this house, I moved in here two and a half months ago."

"Do you have any idea where they went?" I asked desperately.

"No, I'm sorry.."

"Thank you" I said sadly as I walked away. I heard the door close behind me.

Suddendly I saw a familliar face walking by. Aurora...

"Aurora!" I yelled. She looked up.

"Killian?!" She asked suprised.

"What are you doing here?!" She asked as she walked my way and hugged me.

"I was looking for Emma.. Do you have her new adress?"

"No.. She didn't just break contact with you, no one of us has heard from her ever since she moved away. She promised that she'd send us her new adress, but she never did, no one knows why.."

"Not one of you has her adress?" I asked.

"No, I am really sorry.. I was kinda hoping you had it."

" I wouldn't be here if I did..." I said looking down.

"Are Ruby and Regina still here?"

"Yes! I am sure they're love to see you aswell! Come!" she said, dragging me to her car.


"Killian?! What the hell are you doing here?!" Regina exclaimed as she hugged me, as did Ruby. Man, these girls loved hugging...

"I was here for Emma, but, well, she isn't here, so I thought I'd just stop by here"

"I am glad you did" Ruby said.

"How are the other guys doing?" Regina asked, as she gave me a bowl of popcorn and pushed me on the couch.

"They're great.. We're all going to college together.. Will has a girlfriend.." I added. Aurora looked shocked.

"What?" I asked laughing.

"How can anyone ever like him?! He was so annoying!!"

We all laughed. Turns out that the girls we're going to college aswell. No one knew anything about Emma. No one. I was so worried. I just wanted to know if she was okay. I just wanted to see her..

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