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Emma's pov

No matter how often Killian had said that he forgave me, I couldn't help but feel guilty.

I had ignored him for almost two years. I was a horrible person. He said suffered so much because of me. Every call that I had ignored, every email that I read but didn't answer, they had all killed me. But I'm not supposed to think about me. Killian had gone through much more pain than me, not knowing if I was okay.

After I tucked Henry in that night I went to bed with Killian.

After we, well, had some fun😏, we finally went to sleep. I hope my parents didn't hear us.

That night was awful. Well not really. I slept in Killians arms, which was something I had really missed. I still loved him so much.

The awful part was the dream, or well, nightmare.

It started when Killian and I had to say goodbye, and that awful feeling of never seeing him again reappeared. Then when I got home, everything went the same way as it did in real life.

First, I got sick every morning. I thought it had something to do with a broken heart, but then I remembered our 'moment' and thought I might be pregnant.

So I bought a test and it came out positive. That was when I started recieving a million calls a day from Killian, but I never answered. I begged my parents if we could move out of storybrooke, I was afraid how my friends would react. I was ashamed.

So we moved out and went to boston. I still didn't answer killians calls and emails and it killed me. I wanted to respond so bad, but I knew that I never could. I couldn't take his life from him.

The dream skipped to this morning. When Killian appeared at the door.
But from this moment, the dream went different from reality.

Killian was really angry at me for ignoring him. He screamed at me, hit me, which caused Henry to cry. He was afraid of the noises.

Killian walked into the house, and when he saw Henry he freaked out, pulled a knife out of no where and stabbed him! I cried as hard and loud as I could.

After he killed Henry, Killian turned to me and stabbed me in my stomach. I cried as I fell down on the floor.
The last thing that I heard was Killian saying:" I never loved you.."

Killians pov

I woke up, due to Emma shaking in my arms. She was having a nightmare.

"Swan, wake up, its okay" I said, holding her closer.

That was when she jumped up, screaming.

When she saw me she backed off to the other side of the bed, and almost fell out. After a few seconds she calmed down.

She came closer to me and hugged me.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked, still holding her close.

She shook her head as she layed down again. I held her as close as I possibly could, to make sure she felt safe.

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