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Emma's pov

I decided to go with the guys since killian was probably in their hotel. I was right.

When we arrived he was sitting on his bed chatting with someone.

"Hé , where were you?" I asked calmly.

"Why do you care? You looked like you were having the time of your life without me.." He answered, never taking his eyes of his phone.

"He is just a friend, dont be jealours." I said with a chuckle.

"I am not jealours" he snapped at me, I knew he was lying.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" I said, as I walked out the door.

Killians pov

I screwed up. I knew I was lying to myself and her when I said that, and now she was angry at me for snapping at her.

I wanted to run after her, and I did.

I just wanted to apolygise and tell her that I love her, cause I do. I really love her, but I haven't told her yet, I just hope she knows.

When I saw her walking over the street, she wasn't alone. Graham was with her.. She was walking the other way, away from me, while he wrapped his arm around her. The bastard is touching her!!! And she doesn't even push him of!! Instead she lay her head on his shoulder!!

I ran back home, not wanting to see this anymore. I just gained her trust, and now I've probably lost it again.

Emma's pov

I know I am overreacting, but Killian is really acting like a todler! He thinks another man can even mean something to me right now. He honestly thinks that I can just see another man and fall in love with him, while his gorgeous blue eyes are printed into my mind, while I still remember the feeling of his lips on mine. The fact that he doubted me hurt me. When I saw Graham walking over the street he saw the tears in my eyes and tried to comfort me. He succeded. But his arm around me just didn't feel right. So unfamilliar. So weird. I just wanted Killian back.

Sooooo, a short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed 😘 😘 😘


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