Reunion part 1

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Ruby's pov

Today we were going to see Emma again. I was the only one that had visited Emma ever since the vacation. I was the only one that knew about Henry. Well, except for Killian.

Emma said that I shouldn't tell them, she wanted it to be a suprise. They still had no idea why she had ignored them for so long, and they were kinda angry, but I am sure they will understand once they learn about Henry's existence.

We went to Boston with my car, and we were all really excited.

When we finally arrived in Boston and went to Emma's adress the girls stood still in the front jard.

"What if she doesn't want to see us? I mean, she must have had a good reason to ignore us for so long.." Aurora said.

I wanted to tell them about Henry so bad, but I wasn't going to.

"Lets go inside and ask what the reason was.." I suggested, and they sort of agreed.

Regina's pov

All our questions were answered when Killian opened the door, carrying a little baby boy..

We were all shocked, except for Ruby.

"Did you know?!" I asked shocked. She smirked.

I playfully hit her.

"Omg, you bitch, why didn't you tell us" I said laughing.

She laughed aswell, as did Ruby, Aurora and Killian.

"Emma asked me not to" She said, as she walked passed Killian into the livingroom.

"Whats his name?" I asked.

"Henry" Killian answered proud.

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