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Killian's pov

It had been an hour since we last heard from the doctors.
I hadn't moved. I was still in the exact same position, only the tears on my cheeks were now stained.

That was when a doctor walked in.
I looked up immediately.

"She is awake, and she is okay." He said.
We all sighted in relief.

"Can we see her?" Her dad asked.

The doctor nodded and gestured that we could follow him.

When we walked into the room I could see Emma's face light up, which caused me to smile.

"Hi..." She finally said.

"Hello love" I answered as I sat down beside her bed and grabbed her hand.

"How are you doing?" Her mother asked.

"I am fine, doing better. When I first woke up I felt sick, but I feel better now" she smiled.

No one really knew what to say so we all remained silent for a while, but it was a comfortabele silence.

"Do you know when I can go home?" Emma finally asked.

"No, but I can ask" her mom smiled as she exited the room.

She squeezed my hand, with a soft smile on her face.

"What happened? I dont really remember.." She said.

"You were in a car crash.." I looked down at her hand, a single tear rolling down my cheek. She wiped it off and smiled at me, telling me that she was okay.

That was when her mother came back with a doctor.

"Well, hello everyone." He said happily.

"I heard you wanted to leave" he smiled.

She nodded.

"Well, I am really sorry, but we cant let you go just yet. You were diagnosed with sleep deprivation and we want to make sure that you aren't so tired anymore when you leave. We are going to help you get riding of the nightmares" he said with a smile.

"How? I tried everything.."

"We are going to help you sleep with a special drug. This will put you in a deeper sleep than the REM sleep, which is the sleep in which you dream. You will have dreamless sleeps, but at least you will sleep."

Emma nodded.

"How long do I still have to stay here?"

"At least for another week."The doctor said.

Emma nodded again and he left the room.

"We'll leave you two alone for a while" Her mother said after a few minutes.

I saw that her dad was struggling, but her mother somehow managed to get him out of the room.

He probably still didn't trust me compleetly, which I respected. He was just trying to protect Emma, just like me.

When they finally left Emma and I had the well deserved make out session that I had been craving for the entire day.

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