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Ruby's pov

I remained quiet for a while.

"Emma?..." I asked carefully, as if I didn't want to scare her away.

"Hi..." She said akwardly.

"Where have you been?! Why didn't you answer our calls, killians calls? We have been so worried! What the hell happened to you!?" I didn't know wether to be angry or happy, so I guess I was both.

"Woaaw, one question at the time please.." She answered.

"I am okay, have been all this time.."

"Then why did you break contact with us?.." I asked, almost in tears.

"I am so, so extreemly sorry for that.. I just thought that that would be the only way.." She said.

"for what...?"

She took a deep breath.

"Let me send you my adress first."

***6 months later***

Usually, I am really good at keeping my word. But lying to Killian for 6 months! Every day telling him that I hadn't heard from Emma, that I still had no idea where she was?!

I know that Emma wanted me to never tell Killian, I was going to send him her adress. Nothing was going to stop me. He deserved to know that she was okay.

I send him a text with her adress in it.

After a couple minutes I got an answer.

Are you serious?! Is this really Emma's adress?! How did you get it?!

I send him another text.

Wait, I'll call you and explain.

So that was what I did.

"Ruby, what the hell is going on?! How did you get her adress?!"

"Okay, dont kill me, but she called me.." I took a deep breath.
"6 months ago.."

"What?!!! Why didn't you tell me?!?"

"she asked me not to... Please dont be angry with me..."

"Why didn't she want me to have her adress" he sounded really sad now.

" I dont know, she didn't tell me.." I said thruthfully.

"Thank you.." He said.

Killians pov

I was going to see her.. Right now.

I started packing my bags immediately.

After that I jumped in my car and drove to the airport.

I was extreemly happy.. I was going to see my Swan again.

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