Sleep deprivation

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Emma's pov

These nightmares were killing me. They got worse every night. The last nightmare ended with my friends walking inside after Killian had stabbed me. They highfived him and laughed at me, while I was dying.

Finally when I was almost dead Ruby said" No one cares that you are gone, we all hated you from the start" and then they all laughed again.

I couldn't tell Killian about this. He would think that I dont trust him, which is not the case. I trust him, and I love him. I dont know why I am dreaming this.

Anyway, I barely slept over the last month. I started looking like a zombie, with huge bags under my eyes and a paleis face. I was sick most of the time, and always tired, but I tried to do everything the way I would if I were okay.

I still took care of Henry, helped my parents with the chores and kept looking for a job.

Today I had another job interview.
I was really nervous, what if I wasn't what they wanted?

I stepped in my car and started driving torwards the office.

It wasn't that far, but the streets were very busy.

I couldn't focus that well, I was too tired. There were so many cars. People yelling. Traffic lights. People honking. People crossing the streets. It was too busy, too much going on..

Suddendly everything went black.

Killian's pov

I was playing with Henry when suddendly the phone rang.


"Is this the family Swan?"

"Yes, what's going on?"

"I am afraid we have some bad news.."


I raced to the hospital begging that she was okay. If she wouldn't be my life would be over. I can't live without her, those 19 months had proved that.
I just hoped I was overreacting.

When I arrived at the hospital I was greeted by a doctor immediately.

"I am here for Emma Swan" I said.

"I see.. Well, she isn't doing great, she was in a carcrash and now she is in a coma. I am really sorry." The dochter said.

"Can I see her?"

He nodded.

"I do want to ask you some questions, if that is okay."

"Yeah sure."

"She is in room 243"
I thanked him and made my way torwards the right room.

What I saw there shattered my heart into a million pieces. My Swan, unconcious, wounded..

I sat down beside her and grabbed her hand.

"Was she having trouble sleeping lately?" The doctor asked.

I nodded.

"She was having nightmares, and she barely slept.." I sounded broken, which I was.

"We thought so.." the doctor said. He wrote something down on his notepad.

"Your girlfriend is diagnosed with sleep deprivation, caused by dream anxiety disorder or 'nightmare disorder" he said.

"Patients with sleep deprivation are a big part of the people that cause car accidents."

"Will she be okay?" I asked, acctually scared of the answer.

"We dont know.. She isn't doing great. She has a lot of broken bones and even some damaged organs. When she is a little bit more stable we can get her ready for surgery, but if we do that now she wont survive. If she doesn't get more stable soon, we might not be able to do anything.."

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