The End

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Killian's pov

The day that Emma got to go home everything was perfect.

We were a family again. A happy family.

Henry was also really happy to have his mom back, he had really missed her.

We all went out for dinner that night to celabrate Emma's return.

We had a lot of fun, and I think Emma's father is starting to accept me now aswell. He is finally starting to see that I am not going to leave or hurt her, ever.
I just hope she knows that aswell, and that she feels the same way.

Emma's pov

After dinner we went back home, tucked Henry in and went to bed.

I fell asleep and for the first time in almost two years, I had an actual dream. A good one. A happy one. One where I was happy and didn't wake up screaming.

Walking up in Killians strong arms is a feeling that I'll never grow tired off.

"Morning love" he said with that amazing accent of his.

"Hi." I answered kissing his cheek.

He just held me in his arms for a while and I snuggled up against his chest.

"Marry me.." He suddendly said, looking down at me.

I didn't look back.

"Nah." I said with a smirk.

He looked shocked for a second. I looked up at him.

"You idiot!!" I laughed," Of course I'll marry you!"

He smiled and kissed me.

After that he grabbed something out of the drawer next to the bed.

It was a beautiful ring. He slipped it onto my finger and I kissed him again.

"I love you.." I whispered at him, my forehead still against his.

"I love you more" He said with a smirk.

"Impossible" I laughed as I kissed him again.

"Maybe we should go downstairs to announce our engagement" I said smirking. He nodded as he picked me up bridal style.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I yelled laughing.

"Just practicing" he kissed my head as he carried me down the stairs.

My parents were sitting at the dinner table eating breakfast. My mom gasped as she saw my ring. Seriously, that is the first thing she sees?! My dad smirked.

"You knew?!" I said shocked.

"You really thought that I'd propose without your dad's permission?" Killian said, as he put me down.

"You're a gentleman" I said smirking at him.

"always." He said as he kissed me again.

I heard my mom couch behind us which caused me to giggle.

I was so happy. I had everything that I could ever hope for. Amazing friends, a super cute baby boy, an amazing fiancé, and a family that loves me.

The end (Of book one)

I hope that you enjoyed reading this book😘😘 i really enjoyed writing it.

If you have any suggestions for the sequel please send me a message😘😘


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