Reunion part 2

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Emma's pov

When I saw my friends walk in I suprised myself by how fast I could run torwards them and hug them.

Gladly, they hugged me back.

"It's so good to see you." Regina said,"Finally" she quickly added.

I looked down.
I was really ashamed because of this.

"I am so sorry about that, I hope you can forgive me."

Regina smiled.

"Only if I can be Henry's aunt" she smirked.

I smiled back.

"Of course."

Killian handed me Henry.

"Look Henry! This is aunt Regina, and this is aunt Ruby, and this is aunt Aurora" I said playfully. Henry looked shocked. It was so cute.

"auwn" he finally said, which caused us all to laugh.

After chatching up for way too long, we all ate some cake and the girls played with Henry. It was adorable. I dont know why I thought that they wouldn't accept him, they absolutely adored him, and it melted my heart.

The girls didn't have anywhere else to stay, so they stayed at our place aswell. This house was really crowded.

I wish that I could say that I fell asleep in Killians arms, but I didn't.

I had more nightmares. The same one.. Over and over... I almost didn't sleep during that entire night. I had woked up about 8 times, every time shaking, swetting and screaming. I was shocked that no one had heard me.

Everytime, Killian would hug me and comfort me. Without him, this would have been ten times worse.

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