Love letters

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****2 months later****

Killians pov

I cant tell you how scared I was. Everyone said she moved out, but what if something really bad happened to her... Is she still alive?

I continued sending her emails and calling her. I just wanted a sign from her that she was okay.

Dearest Emma,

Why dont you answer my emails or calls? I am really worried about you! Please just give me a sign that you are okay, because not knowing for sure, always guessing what happened to you, is the worst thing imaginable.
I love you with all my heart and I always will, dont even think that if you dont answer I'll get over you over time, cause I wont. Never. I love you till the end of eternity, dont ever doubt that.

Yours forever,


****3 months later****

Dearest Emma,

Please, just give me a sign that you are okay. Its so terrifing, not knowing what happened to you. You dont have to talk to me if you dont want to, just give me a sign. Please.. I love you so much and these last 8 months were hell. I dont know why you wont answer my calls and emails, but please start doing it again, because I cant live without you! I love you..

Yours forever,


****2 months later****

Ruby's pov

Still.. There was no sign of Emma. We were all so worried.. What if she wss kidnapped or something? We hadn't heard from her in 13 months! Why wouldn't she just leave an adress if she was okay? I did call with Killian every day, just in case he had found something, but there was never any good news.

That was when my phone rang.

"Hello, its Ruby"

"Hi.., its me Emma."

Okay this chapter is a little short but I like clifhangers 😼😼😼

There will be at least one other chapter today.


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