Beach party

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Emma's pov

As predicted, the next day all my friends still only wanted to spend time on the beach. Its not that I hate the beach.. Its just,.. I want to do other things.

Tonight they wanted to go to a beach party, like last night... And tomorrow night, and so on.

At first I wanted to stay at the hotel, or walk around Malaga on my own, but they pushed me to come with them.

They picked out a short and a shirt for me, which was way too see through in my opinion, but they said I looked hot and I didn't really feel like arguing with them. We were on a vacation And we were supposed to have fun.

Ruby was wearing a really short top that revealed way to much skin in my opinion, and a way to tight short.
Same for Lily.

Aurora was wearing a cute beach dress and Regina a little skirt and a shirt.

After getting dresses we headed to the beach.

It wasn't really a public, official party. Just some guys we met that afternoon invited us to come. There was a fireplace and someone was playing a guitar when we arrived. Some other guy was singing.

They all greeted us and we sat down.
I sat down next to an extreemly atractive guy. I had no idea why I sat next to him, cause me made me really nervous. He was also the dude that was singing. Damn he had an amazing voice..

Once he stopped singing everyone applauded, as did I.

"Another song!" Regina yelled.

"Yes, c'mon Killian!" Ruby replied.

So his name was Killian..

"Sorry ladies, but I am done singing for tonight"

"Awww" They all said at the same time.

"But maybe someone else wants to try" He smirked looking at me.

"What, me?" I asked and he nodded.

"No way! I dont sing!"

"Emma! Emma! Emma!" Regina started and soon everyone joined.

I saw only one option, which was running, and thats what I did.

I must have looked ridicules, due to the sand making the running very heavy and difficult.

I dont believe that they made me feel so akward! They knew I didn't want to be here in the first place!

I didn't feel like going home yet so I went to grab a drink at the beach so I could still see the sea.

Soon I was joined by non other than Killian.

"Sorry 'bout that love. I just needed to get the attention of myself for a while. I really didn't want to sing anymore.. I didn't even want to be here in the first place." He mumbled the last part but I could still hear him.

"me neither" I said.
"My friends pushed me."

"Well I did come here by choice, but only to make sure my image stays the same."He said, a little ashamed.

"Why do you want to be someone you're not?"I asked. He thought for a second.

"I honestly dont know" He laughed a little.

"But if you dont want to be here with your friends, what would you want to do?" He asked me.

"I dont know.. Maybe visit a little town, go to a marketplace, get some icecream."I said.

"You know what? Maybe we could go do something together if our friends dont want to come." He suggested.

"That would be nice, I guess"

"You know what would also be nice?" He smirked,"Knowing your name."

I laughed a little. I hadn't even introduced myself.

"Emma Swan" I answered and he smiled.

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