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Killians pov

I got of the airplane on the airport of boston.

I took a cab to Emma's adress and took a deep breath. I didn't care if she didn't want to see me, I had to see her.

I walked torwards the frontdoor and knocked. I waited impatiantly.

"Please... Please open up.." I said to myself.

And then it happened.
Slowly but surely the door opened, revealing my beautiful Swan. As beautiful as I remember. Maybe even more beautiful.

"Killian?" she asked, almost in tears..

"Emma.." I said, as I walked up to her and hugged her. I was suprised when she hugged me back.

"Why didn't you answer my emails and calls? Why did you break contact?" I asked, now crying aswell.

When she heard the question she pushed me back and slammed the door closed.

No... I wasn't going to lose her.

"Emma, please, open up.. No matter what it is, I dont care, I will always love you, no matter what."

I heard her sobs from inside.

"Emma please..." I begged.

"No, I cant.." I heard between sobs.

"Why not?!" I yelled." Did I do something wrong? You have ignored my for 19 months, Emma! And now all I get is a hug and a 'get the hell away from me'?"

Her sobs grew louder.

"You think I wanted this?!" She yelled back.
"You think I would have done this if I weren't in a crisis?! Why do you think we moved out of storybrooke?! Broke contact with my friends, with you?! Do you really think I did all of that by choice?!"

"Well yeah, I think that. And unless you give me a really good reason right now not to think that, I probably always will.."

Slowly, the door opened again.

" Okay, then I will."

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