Don't leave me...

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Killian's pov

I stayed there the rest of the day, holding her hand, waiting for her parents to come.

After a couple hours they finally arrived.

Her mother gasped at the sight of her daughter.

"Sorry that we couldn't come earlier. I was still at work, they called me a couple minutes ago.." Her mother said.

I didn't reply.

The news that the doctor had given me was horrible, and it had put me in some sort of trance. Inside of my very own bubble. The bubble of misery..

Her parents sat down at the other side of the bed and her mother held her other hand. Her dad had his hand on her mothers shoulder, trying to comfort her, but it wasn't working.

She bursted into tears.

I decided to get out of my bubble for a second.

"Where's Henry?" I asked, still staring at Emma, with tears in my eyes.

"We dropped him of at a friend's place." Her dad said.

I nodded.

That was when the magic happened. I felt her grip tighten around my hand. I jumped up.

"Swan, are you awake?" I asked, hoping that she was okay.

I had tears of happiness in my eyes as she began to stur.

Her mother went to get a doctor and they came back after a couple minutes. That was when she slowly opened her eyes.

"Swan!?" I yelled, probably way to loud for her.

"Killian..." She said with a soft smile.

That was when a doctor pushed me aside. I wanted to push him away and get back to Emma, but her mother grabbed my arm.

"They have to operate her now, or it might be too late."

Slowly I calmed down, nodding. I sat down and burried my face in my hands.

She had to be alright. I couldn't live without her.


After about an hour a doctor stepped into our room.

"We finished the surgery, but she isn't doing very good." He said.

"Well then bloody do something about it!!!!" I yelled at him.

"Killian.." Her mother said, trying to calm me down.

The doctor akwardly left the room.

"Dont leave me Swan.. I cant do this without you." I whispered under my breath.

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