Further plans

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killians pov

Emma had stayed overnight. She didn't want to go to her own hotel, she was kinda scared. Also, we were both glad to have each other back.

I kinda hoped I would see Graham one last time so I could beat him up for hurting my Swan.

When we woke up the next day we were still laying in each others arms, and we both didn't want to get up, but sadly, we had to. Our friends were waiting for us and today we were going to plan some things that we still wanted to do.

We got up and we were still dressed so we could walk out torwards the hotel of the girls immediately.

As we were walking over the street I saw an familliar face. Graham..

I didn't say anything to Emma, I just walked away torwards Graham. He hadn't seen me, so he was really shoched when I punched him in the face.

"What the hell, man?!" he yelled, as he held his hand to his face.

"Thats for hurting the girl I love!" I yelled back at him as I hit him one more time and walked back to Emma. She had seen the whole thing.

"You love me?" She asked suprised, but with a smirk.

"Aye, I thought you knew" I said as I kissed her.

After a few seconds she pulled away.

"I love you too" she said, more serious now.

I grabbed her hand and we walked on, to their hotel.

"Okay, what are we still going to do?" Ruby asked.
We were all sitting on the bed again, trying to come up with things that we could do.

"We could go to a concert or a festival or something." Aurora suggested.

We all nodded.
"Okay, we'll need to research that" Robin said.

"Maybe we could rent a boat, for one day." I said. Everyone agreed.

"it has to be a big boat, more like a yacht." Regina said.

"Indeed" Ruby immediately replied.

I laughed.

"Fine. We'll rent a yacht"

"I still want to go the the beach though.." Aurora said.

I nodded.

"We are still going to the beach, dont worry."

She smiled.

"any other suggestions?" Neal asked.

"Maybe we could just go to a bar for once and get real drunk" Will smirked.

We all rolled our eyes.

"What?!" he said, acting as if he was hurt.

We all laughed.

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