Chapter 17

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April 16, 2017

We on our way back to the city and I can tell my baby tired. When we get back, I take her to my house and we go chill in the living room. We turned the TV on "Waist Deep" and eventually fell asleep. The ringing of my phone woke me up. I tried to sit all the way up and realized that Amber was still laying on me. I struggled to reach in my pocket to grab my phone.

~On the Phone

Nick: Hello? ( muffled)
Rahsaan: You need to come to the spot. Shit just got real.

~Hangs Up

With that the call ended. I couldn't believe my ears. Apparently Jarelle and the Eastside Boys were up to no good and I was ready to handle their asses. I didn't understand why niggas wanted to beef over money. There was plenty to be made for everyone.

One thing my brother, Harlem, had taught me was to always eat with those that are loyal to you. Never leave them hanging. So when I ate, my niggas did too. My boys are like a second family to me, but now these Eastside niggas were getting out of pocket and had to be dealt with ASAP. I picked Amber big ass up, put her in my bed, and left.


"I almost had those muthafuckas!" I yelled as I paced the floor. I had tried taking out a few of Nick's niggas but was unsuccessful. (He thought that taking out some of Nick's goons would flush out Nick himself. He was a hard man to touch. What Jarelle didn't know was that Nick's boys ran national. There were well over five hundred of em in all parts of the United States.) Rico "Hell yeah but that nigga Nick was missing in action. I wanna pop that nigga personally and take his ass off the map."

Rico "But for real, this shit has to be planned out to the T because you know once that nigga Harlem gets wind of this beef he'll come out of retirement and then we'll have bigger problems on our hands. That's the last nigga I wanna have beef with." Jarelle "Nigga shut yo bitch ass up! Ain't nobody scared of Harlem's ass. He bleeds just like anybody else. That nigga don't run shit no more. Stop being a bitch and let's take over this territory. Fuck all them niggas. It's all about the Eastside, my dude."( Jarelle hated Nick with a passion. He wanted his spot at the top and was willing to do anything to get it. He didn't see the trap he was setting for his self. If they thought Harlem was a force to be reckoned with then they had no idea who his baby brother Nicki was. He was that nigga.)

Jarelle "I want y'all to be ready at all times, Nick's reign is up. That spot belongs to me now and I will get it by any means."( Boo didn't like the way that sounded. He was a street nigga but he wasn't a killer. He only dealt with Jarelle because he had family to take care of and with a felony it was hard for him to get a decent job. He really wasn't feeling this whole takeover. Them niggas was nothing to play with and he knew that but Jarelle didn't care. He just hoped he didn't live to regret it later.) Steve "I hear you, man." (Steve is Jarelle's brother and right hand.

They were as opposite as night and day but were close as ever. While Jarelle was the hot head Steve was the cool and calm one. ) Steve "Maybe we should devise a solid plan to get at King. You know that dude is hard to touch. I mean we all want this just as much as you but we don't wanna go in blind." Jarelle "Fuck a plan. I want that nigga now!" Steve "Alright man. Do it your way but don't say I didn't warn you. They getting money right now. They got security so damn tight you can't even shake their hand without getting shot. But do you, bruh."

(Steve left the room. Jarelle hated that his brother tried to front on him in front of everybody. He was the one in charge and either Steve got down or Jarelle was going to lay him down. Brother or not he didn't take too well to someone going against him.)


When I pulled up to the trap house on Strathmore the block was quiet. I didn't know what the hell had transpired but I was about to find out. It was like a ghost town when business should have been transpiring. I killed the engine and hopped out. I was at mu wit's end with this shit. I'm at the point where I'm ready to retire. Its way too much to deal with. Even though I'm that nigga, too many others want my spot. If only they knew what the job required they would rethink it. I walked right in the house which pissed me off. If they had just got into some shit then why the fuck was the door unlocked?

I was about to start demoting niggas real fast. I couldn't afford for my operation to go down. My brother and his crew worked too hard to build this empire and I'll be damn if I let him down. Nick "Why the hell is the door unlocked and what the hell happened? It's dead as hell out there." I ranted out loud as I walked through the house. Javon met me in the hallway. Javon "I just got here. From what I hear Jarelle and his crew did a fucking drive by. Nobody was hurt but them niggas still need to be handled. We closed up shop until you give us further instructions. We definitely don't want heat from the feds."

Javon was the only other person besides Rahsaan that I trusted out of the crew. I have respect for the rest of them but if shit hit the fan I couldn't guarantee that they wouldn't snitch which was why they knew little or nothing about my operations. Nick "Well until further notice we're shut down. I don't need no heat from the pigs. Javon, make sure everyone is compensated for the next three weeks while we decide our next move." With that I walked out the house leaving everyone to wonder what was next for us.


So I just peed on this stick and now I'm waiting on the results. I'll be damned if I'm pregnant, I'm supposed to be going to college. This muthafucka betta be shooting blanks or sum. I mean what can I do with a baby, besides love and take care of it I'm practically a baby myself. Plus my momma always warned me about niggas in the hood getting females pregnant and leaving, never claiming the baby. Its been three minutes and I looked at the stick.


When I got home Amber was in my bed asleep. She was rocking one of my shirts and I loved it. I undressed and climbed into bed beside her. I pulled her close and fell asleep with her in my arms.


When I woke up hours later Nick wasn't in the bed but I could smell food, knew where to find him. I headed downstairs and found Nick in the kitchen cooking. Damn I love this man, but how the fuck am I supposed to tell him I'm pregnant. He was on the phone when I walked in so I sat at the table patiently while he finished his conversation. He looked up and smiled at me then wrapped up the call seconds later. Nick "How'd you sleep, bae?" He rose from the table and placed a plate of food in front of her. "Good as hell." They laughed. Nick "That's good. Well eat up and enjoy." He joined her at the table with his own plate. "Nick?" Nick "wassup baby?" "Promise something." Nick "anything." "You'll always feel the same about me." Nick "of course I will, baby, I told you I had you. Just ride with me and you won't have to worry about nothing."

April 17, 2017

So I walked into the doctors office where they informed me that I'm damn near a month. How in the hell I'm supposed to tell everybody this shit. I don't wanna think about it right now so I just stopped by Southern Classic to get something to eat and be on my way to school. My phone rung and I answered good thing I had a car where I could just hook the phone up and tell it to answer instead of having to move.

Me: hello
Megan: where the fuck you at, guhh
Me: on my way, went to the doctor
Megan: oh ok, what happs?
Me: bitch, I'm pregnant
Megan: oh my fucking god, Ang---
Me: oh hell no you don't

I could here Angel through the phone asking Megan what but she just played it off like she didn't want nothing. When I goyt there I was stupid tired and had a headache why the fuck was this happening. I just cruised through school, chilling in most of my classes cause we barely had anything to abouto I was at home now and had finally decided to break the news to my mama. Mama "are you going to keep it?" "Of course." Mama "are you going to tell him?" "Sooner or later." Mama "well whatever happens know I'm here." "I know mama, love you." I didn't know why the hell I was so scared to tell him I was pregnant. I guess cause the last person I loved, trusted and cared about, only kept secrets from me, lied to me, and cheated on me. What the fuck is going on with me.

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