Chapter 22

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November 23, 2017
Nick W.

   So its Thanksgiving and Amber wanted to have a big family dinner. She invited everybody, like I am so glad we moved into a bigger house. Our parents and close friends. Amber's 8 months and can barely get off the couch or bed herself. We're decorating the kitchen right now. Amber wobbled into the kitchen and all I could do is smile. "Baby go sit on the couch, I can handle the rest." Amber "boy if I sit down, I'm not gone get back up." "That's what you got me for." She smiled and went in the living room. The doorbell rang and it was our parents. (AM- Amber's momma ... NM- Nick's momma ... AD- Amber's dad) AM "hey baby." Amber "hey momma." NM "hey babies." Amber "hey momma."

     AD "how are y'all and my grandkids." Amber "good." "Big." Amber glared at me and laughed. Amber "you not gone be talking bout me." "I'm sorry baby." The doorbell rang again and I whispered to her parents. "Y'all wanna see something funny, aye baby can you get the door." Amber "sure." She wobbled and wobbled, trying to get off the couch but never made it up. We started laughing and Amber looked up at us. Amber "This is not funny." "Yes it is...I got it baby." She looked at me like she wanted to smack the shit out of me but seeing her try her best to get off that couch is priceless.

     I ran and opened the door and it was Angel, Lando, Megan, Rahsaan, was all of em shit. "Come on in, Amber in the living room with our parents." Megan ran past me only thing she's been worried about is Amber and her god kids. We all walked in the living room and Megan immediately ran over to Amber and rubbed her stomach. Megan "you're so huge." Amber mugged Megan. Megan "I'm just playing bestfriend, but how my god chirren." Amber "No nahh you wasn't playing but they good." Lando "you sure you got the right due date." Amber "man whatever." Harlem "you need to hurry up and have em so my son can have somebody to play with." Mia "boy our son is five he still got a while to wait." Harlem "yea I know." Amber "well Harlem still has my little brother to play with." Mia "where did they go." Amber "to the game room." Mia "oh OK." Rahsaan "I'm not gone even talk about ya sis, I'm just gone shake my head." Alicia "your still talking about her, just not out loud." Amber "its fine, I know I'm big." Layla(laughing) "you ain't missed a meal have you?" "No she hasn't." Even her mother started laughing them. AM "she didn't miss them before she was pregnant."

    Amber "OK, let's go eat." Javon just stood there staring at her stomach. Amber "boy you got something to say too?" Javon "huh, oh...nothing." Rob "I do." Amber "what?" Rob "we love you." Amber "yea uh huh, whatever." Everybody started laughing as Amber tried to waddle her way off the couch. Amber "this shit is not funny." Megan "mood swings." "All the time." I finally walked over and helped her so she could wobble her way into the kitchen. Since Amber's so big we all set the table. After that we said grace and began to eat.

December 19, 2017
Nick W.

   Today's the big day and I'm loving every minute of it. Ambers finally having the twins. We learned from a previous doctor visit that were having a boy and a girl. We decided to name the boy after me and the girl Ta'Mya. Amber was sweating and squeezing Megan's hand. While I was recording this beautiful moment. "Nick I'm gonna kill you!" I started laughing she has these big ass heads coming out of her, but she wants to kill me. Megan "bestfriend calm down." Amber looked at Megan like she wanted smack her. Angel "baby just breath, in and and out." There was a fork on the night stand, and not the plastic kind. She picked it up and threw it right at me, glad I ducked. Layla "OK let me go move all the sharp shit."

     Doctor Morris finally entered the room. Doctor "looks like those babies are ready to come out huh." Amber "would you just get them out of me!" I gave Megan the camera and went to hold Amber's hand. Megan "what you want me to do with this?" "Record." Megan "uh uh, I don't wanna look at her stuff I got my own to look at." Lando walked in the room. Lando "I gotcha brotha." He took the camera from Megan and began to record. Lando (laughing)"hey sista." She looked at Lando like she wanted to kill him. Amber "uhhhh!!!" Doctor Morris "OK so how far apart are your contractions?" Amber cooled down a little bit, still breathing hard. Amber "about...5 minutes."

     "I gotcha baby, I promise." Doctor Morris "aww." Amber's mom was here too, she was rubbing Amber's head trying to help me keep her calm. But Amber mom doesn't know the pain of having a baby natural cause she had sea sections with all 3 of them. Doctor Morris "OK on this next contraction, I'm gonna need you to push." Doctor Morris "1...2...3" Amber "uhhh!!!!" Doctor Morris "OK there's the head, next contraction I'm gonna need you to push just a slight bit harder." Lando "ah shit." Amber "ooh, ohh...OK." Doctor Morris "1...2...3" Amber "uhhhhhh!!!!?!" Doctor Morris "Here's your little baby boy, nurse." Nurse "I'm here." The nurse took our son to go clean him up. Doctor Morris "one baby down, one to go." After about 15 more minutes Amber had delivered both the twins and all the screaming had went to an end. She was still panting and gasping for air.

     The doctor and nurse finally brought our babies back in. Doctor Morris handed me our little boy. Doctor Morris "here's your beautiful baby boy." And the Nurse handed Amber our little girl. Nurse "here you go ma'am." Amber teared up a little bit, she couldn't believe she was finally looking at our kids. She was happy. Her mother couldn't do anything but smile and cry, she was happy for her daughter. Lando "aww." I looked at Amber and smiled. "Now my life is complete." I kissed her on the lips and Lando stopped the recording. Megan and Layla snapped a few pictures with their phones. Momma "now I got some grand babies to spoil." We were all just happy.


   I went outside to go tell everybody else they could come in. Even Kaiden was here, can't stand his ass. "Damn, I'm glad she got a big room...come on y'all." Lando "aye y'all see my niece and nephew." Kaiden "ooh shit." Rahsaan, DQ, Javon, and Rob came in with two big ass teddy bears and some balloons. NM "I just wanna know how big y'all think my grand babies is." AM "when they start crawling you better hide them bears." Nick "we just had em," Amber looked up at Nick like she wanted to punch him through his throat. Amber "we?" Nick "I mean she, just had them, and y'all already talking about them crawling."

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