I put a little inside joke in the title ;D Sydney knows what I'm talking bout! XD So let's get down to it!
August 6th, 2013
I had a dream that in Science class Mr.B put me, Sydnee, Callie, and Jared in a group. We were writing down things at least two of us had in common. It was a lot of fun but Kellin was strong that day. Nikki was having fun and smiling but Kellin was thinking about sad things and it was pulling nikki down. When it was her turn to say something she accidentally blurted out about self harm. She was terrified that they'd hate her. But Jared said, "It's ok I did to." Callie wrote it down and I can't remember what syd did but it was like only Jared heard it and he quickly dismissed it. I was surprised that JARED had done it and I peeked at his forearms. Sure enough on the side of his left arm was a patch of about 10 cuts all together. It was a strange place, it was about 3 inches above his elbow and it was a bit too visible. They looked fresh too. I somehow knew that it was from his break up with Maddie. The fun came back quickly and we all goofed off some more. Right before I woke up I wondered, "Why hasn't Mr.B yelled at us yet?"
I can't tell if this dream is good or bad.
August 7th, 2013
I had a really... graphic dream. I dreamt i was at this camp and so were all these beautiful girls and other guys I never saw in the dream. But Max, the exchange student from Germany, was the guy I did see. He came into the girls dressing room late at night when some of the last girls were up. It was me and about 10 beautiful girls, around 15-17 years old. He told us to line up and the girls smirked and did so I was confused but did so and ended up in the middle of the line. Max looked us over then smiled and told us we could go. We all started walking out but Max grabbed me by my shoulder and pulled me into his tall body. "Except you." He said. I was still confused but I do like this boy and liked the way he held me. A few girls, around 15 years old, briefly looked back and shot me a few confused and worried looks. They must have been my friends but I nodded as if to say I'll be fine. The nodded and left. Then Max turned me around and quietly but sternly told me to take off my bra. I wasn't going to but his hot German accent caught me. I had my sports bra half way off, still covering me, and I started rethinking things.
"What are you doing nikki?! You're not a slut! He's like 19! And going back to Germany in a few days!" A voice mumbled in my head and I was caught between a hot German guy and purity. Just then Max put his hands over mine and slid the bra off. I made a snap decision that now that I was exposed I would just go with it. I took a few steps to his right and flaunted my stuff. I could feel his eyes on me, on my chest. It made me start mentally pointing out my hideous flaws. I didn't want to do that so I turned to him. He signaled for me to jump. I did so and he caught me. I wrapped my legs around him and realized he was shirtless. He had a reeally sexy body, full of muscles. He kissed me on the lips with a rough passion and I kissed back with matching feelings. We broke apart and I rubbed my breasts on his neck and moaned airily. He quietly groaned and I ran my hands through his hair pulled on some of it. His breath hitched and he set me down. He cupped my breasts and whispered to me telling me to pinch my nipples. I didn't get it but i did it cuz he was already making me feel good. As I did he touched my breasts and I moaned, trying to stay quiet so no one would come find us, and he whisper-moaned sweet things to me like 'OH! God, you're so beautiful.' It made me love him because I was foolish enough to believe him. We pulled away and I jumped up on his waist again and kissed him roughly and wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled a little on his soft, thick hair. I felt him scratching my back in pleasure. We moaned in to the kiss and he pulled away and started kissing my neck right under my jaw. I sighed/whimpered and wanted him even more. I rubbed my body on him and he pulled me close with a moan. We calmed down and he asked me to marry him. I giggled knowing he was kidding and he smiled. Then he said, "Fine, will you be my girlfriend?"
"I'm not 18 yet, it would be illegal." We sighed.
"When are you going back to Germany?" He was still holding me and, I was hugging him.
"Ugh, don't even mention it." He really didn't want to go back yet, and I didn't want him to go. After 2-3 minutes of silence I asked him why he wanted me, of all the girls, me. He didnt answer, so i repeated it. Still silence, it made me a bit angry and I repeated it in a normal volume that pierced the night, saying his name to get his attention. He said he must of gotten lost in thought, but didnt answer my question. He was still holding me and I then I heard it.
"Do you hear that?" I asked. Max furrowed his brows, but I knew that sound. Right above us, one of the camp leaders was heading to the door!
"Shit!" I whispered. I pushed off of him and he let go. I grabbed my sports bra and struggled to get it only halfway on before I heard people coming here. I dashed into the rack of clothes and put a box infront of me. I pulled my bra on the rest of the way on and laid still as stone. But somehow they found me and I played like I was asleep. Stupid I know but I didn't have a good excuse yet! There was a blonde 17 year old girl that I remember was really catty, and the camp leader was MY DAD. My dad must have bought it but the girl didn't, she acted like she did though. I "woke up" with a start and frantically looked around and pushed through them asking things like: Where am I? What's going on? What happened?
Cheesey, I know but how would you try to get away with making out with a hot 18 year old German when you're an ugly 13 year old cunt? It's not easy.
I let them lead me away, staying quiet. I remembered that early before this dream I dreamt of Mary telling me and mom she had been asked out by Max on the 8th and she'd said no because they couldn't be more than friends while in different countries on different continents.
I checked the date on my iPod... It was the eighth. Max had been rejected by Mary and came to me because I'm practically her younger twin. I wanted to break down and cry because he only wanted me because I'm a lot like Mary. I hated him for this deception but I wasn't going to rat him out because I liked him a lot and these emotions will play with your mind. And I'm foolish enough to let them. The blonde girl was babbling on with this whole story of how she knew I was in there. Her story sucked my dick. I had a great cover in my head but decided to just go with hers. Then I woke up after some more snotty remarks from the white girl with short blonde hair in big perfect curls.
August 8th, 2013
WeEEEEE today was my birthday and i had fun but deep down still felt like shit. Oh well. And I bought some clothes and bracelets. The bracelets were so I didn't have to wear long sleeves 24/7.
August 9th, 2013
I forgot what happened here. XD
August 10th, 2013
TODAY MY UNCLE AND MY COUSIN SEAN CAME TO VISIT. I'm not sure how long they're staying but I love when they come beause my Uncle Rich is my favorite uncle and I love his sons. Sean is the youngest I think. He has a twin brother named Jake who I absolutely love! I bought more bracelets but they're those braided string ones and you pull the two strings to tighten them but they fall off any way. I don't know why I was stupid enough to get them. I also got some thick rubber ones. They say "Stomp Out Bullying" and I like the message. I also got them because I know One Direction is supporting that whole project thing and I can't not love One Direction. XD
August 11th, 2013
Rich and Sean are still here. I got really pissy in church today because this dumb bitch kept staring at me. And that's about it. I have to pee so I'm going to publish this and go pee. Bye guys! I LOVE THE PISS OUTTA YOU!! :D