So.... Hey. I'm not so good. I hope you are though! I love you so much! Yes, YOU. The one reading this. Unless you are me, then I hate you for being Nicole Stacia Berg.
Aside from that I was 31 days clean and I relapsed in church. Is that ironic? I'm not too good at that kinda of stuff. If you're asking how- I scratched really hard with a chip of wood I broke off the aisle. Then a couple nights ago I made 15-20 new cuts. I already am felling numb with or without them.
Still off topic though! The thing I wanted to talk about is that yesterday I found out my guy "friend" was talking shit about me. I guess we aren't really friends, more like acquaintances. But he was talking about how I don't "try hard enough" in cross country. Add to that he was ranting to the whole art CLASS. It's only 6-7 people but a lot of my fucking friends are in there! Ugh, it's not even his problem or business how well I do!! Plus the girl I thought was my friend was talking shit about me too!
Do they WANT me to point out their flaws?!
1. They're too fucking cocky.
2. They're bitchy.
3. They're stupid.
(The girl fucking can't spell RIVER.)
4. They're assholes.
And I could go into detail about why I hate them but I won't.
This year I'm not goin out for track and when the coach asks why I'm going to say, "Your son was a jerk to me about cross country so why try in this?"
I hope it gets him in trouble with her! And my "best friend" was a snob and passed me 2 feet in front of the finish during PRACTICE. AFTER I SLOWED DOWN TO STOP. Then I have her a tiny, playful shove and SHE called ME a BITCH! WHAT THE FUCK!? SHE JUST PULLED A ASS MOVE THEN CALLED ME A BITCH!? NUH-UH! So I beat her the next run and she literally said, "You fuckin' bitch." when I passed her! Then she acted like it was all peachy at school the next day! It was twin day and se had already picked me so I couldn't back out. But I really hate her. I don't even know why I'm friends with her still. It's just because SydneE is my actual best friend, along with SydneY, and SydneE is friends with her. But Kami, the bitch girl, is always saying mean things about people. She calls other girls disgusting, funny guys fat-asses, even her own cousin she calls: bratty, rude, disgusting, stupid, and fat. I bet she does the same thing to SydneE and I.
Whatever. I'm just gonna give them the cold shoulder. I don't want to deal with their bullshit. Not during Homecoming Week!
I feel like I should list the days and stuff so here!
Monday- PJ Day (wear pajamas to school)
Tuesday- Holiday Day (dress up as your favorite holiday-this was kinda dumb-)
Wednesday- Twin Day (You and another person dress up identically or similarly)
Thursday- GENDER BENDER DAY! (Dress up as the opposite gender)
Friday- Spirit Day (Dress up in school colors and shit)
So there you have it! Um... I guess I'll go to bed now. Sorry if the words are crazy and if the grammar sucks. I typed this on my ipod. I have a meet tomorrow and need sleep. I want to beat Chase,Callie, and Kami because they're being mean. Wish me luck!