Chapter 8 : The Party

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Maya's pov:

After going to the Fro-yo place, we all decided to go home. But me and Riley are going to have a sleep over at her place.

We woke up at 11:00 am and decided to go to Starbucks because we really need coffee. We got our vanilla latte. And after going to Starbucks, we go to a cute little cafe to get something to eat. I ordered a chicken salad and Riley ordered a turkey sandwich. We decided to go shopping. First, we go to Forever 21. I got a plain white tank top and a triangle necklace. And Riley got a cute shirt with a lips design on it. Next, we go to Top Shop. And I get a cute pink blush skirt. And Riley got a leather jacket and a sparkly skirt. We go back to her place and watch netflix. We pretty much have nothing to do.

"Hey maya" she said breaking the silence

"What?" I replied

"I'm bored" she said

Then, I decided to play a song called 'Oops I did it again' by Britney Spears and start singing. We started to dance and jump around like a bunch of idiots.

"I'M NOT THAT INNOCENT" We sang the last part. And we heard a laugh. When we turned around we see Lucas, Farkle and Josh laughing at us.

"Have you guys ever heard of a knocking?" I ask sarcastically

"What are you doing here?" Riley questioned them

"I thought we're going to Charlie's party" says Lucas confused

"I thought the party started at 9" I say

"Look at the time, sweetie" We look at the clock, and it's 8:45.

"Oh shit! Give us 15 minutes" the guys left the room and me and Riley quickly get ready. I wore a plain white shirt and my pink blush skort with my triangle necklace that I bought today. And Riley wore  the cute shirt with the lips design with her sparkly skirt and her leather jacket that she bought today. We decided to do our hair and make up like normal.

We go downstairs and I see Lucas is staring at me

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We go downstairs and I see Lucas is staring at me.

"Take a picture huckleberry, it'll last longer" I rolled my eyes

"I'm sorry Maya, you look great" My cheeks started to heat up and turned red

"Thanks" We smiled at each other

"Ahhem! Hate to ruin the moment, but we really have to go" Says Farkle. Okay, is it just me? or Farkle sounds a little jealous. Maybe he's just PMSing.

We drive to Charlie's house. The music was so loud, it could be heard down the street . I don't know how he could even have this party without neighbors complaining.

When we got inside I see couples making out, drunk people dancing and people having sex. I couldn't see anyone that I knew, so I just sat down and grab some drinks, until someone came up to me.

"Hey, do you want to kiss me?" He said, I realized he was drunk as his breath reeked of alcohol.

"No thanks" I said as I got up.

He wrapped his arms around me. "Come on I know you want to...." He got closer and closer and I was so disgusted by him. He leaned in with his tongue sticking out. Gross, I wanted to throw up so badly.

"In your dreams asshole!" I shouted loudly and kicked him right in the 'you know what'. That guy walked away without looking back at me. I sighed and sit down on the couch

"Did you just kick Kyle Greyson right in his dick?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and see Charlie.

"Yeah, I guess I did" I giggled a bit.

"You okay?" He asked me.

"Not really" I replied.

"Maybe you should lay down for a moment. I can take you to my room if you want to" He puts his arm on my shoulder.

"N-no I'm good" I say as I stood up, but then I nearly fell and Charlie catches me.

"Come on" he said lifting me up. "You need some rest" He lead me to his room. And he closed the door behind me and locked it. I sat on his bed and he sat down next to me.

"Finally some privacy" He said laughing. I looked at him confused, and then he smashed his lips into mine. He tried to strip my clothing off, but I managed to push him away.

"What the fuck Charlie?!" I shouted as I stood up, trying to get away from him. I tried to opened the door, but I remembered that it's locked.

"Calm down babe" He smirked as he came towards me and smashed his lips into mine again. He tried to pull his pants down. But I quickly kicked him right in the 'you know what' just like what I did to that guy earlier.

Then the door of the room flew open. "Get away from her!" I heard someone shouted. I turned around and it's Lucas. He grabbed Charlie's neck and grab him against the wall.

"You hurt her. And you will pay for it" Lucas whispered while looking into his eyes with hateful eyes before he punched him in the face. He quickly took off his jacket and wrapped it around me. He hold my shoulder, leading me out of the house and got into his car.

"What were you thinking?" He asked worried.

"I d-don't know-w" I paused and try to breath. "All I knew is, there's this guy.... who tried to kiss me and then Charlie help me... and the next thing I know is he tried to have sex with me" I explained.

Lucas sighed and pulled me closer to him. "ssh.." He said wiping away a tear from my cheek. "It's okay. I will never let anyone hurt you"

"Where were you Lucas?" I asked him.

"I was helping Riley, she was-"

"Of course" I cut him off while looking at the ground.

"What do you mean 'of course'?" He asked me, confused.

"Everybody knows that you and Riley used to be together"

"Are you serious right now?!" He yells startling me. "It was just a stupid middle school relationship!" He yells at me again.

I sighed and give him a tight hug. "You're right. I'm sorry"

"No, I'm sorry" He said as he pulled away from the hug. Lucas suddenly grab my cheeks and crashed his lips into mine. I was stunned at first, but then I slowly returned the kiss.

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