Chapter 52 : I will never speak to you

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Maya's pov:

After two, long miserable hours in a cramped up airplane, we finally arrived in Texas. We walked toward the car we rented and sat between Luv and Riley in the back seat. Josh was driving and Farkle sat next to him in the front sit.

"Josh you know where Lucas live right?" I asked him, making sure.


"Are you kidding me? How are we gonna find Lucas now?" I said, stressing out.

"Calm down Maya, just give me your phone" Farkle tells me and I handed him my phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, confused.

"I'm using the 'Find my iPhone' app to track his phone" Farkle replies.

We tracked down Lucas's phone, and it lead us to a rodeo place. We got off the car and keep tracking his phone, and it turns out that he's inside a tent.

"Lucas!" I ran off to him and hug him so tight

"Maya what are you doing here?" He asked and hugging me back.

"To get you, you're coming home with us" I said letting go of the hug.

"He's not going anywhere young lady, he have to ride Tombstone the bull" A man behind him said, I'm guessing he's Lucas's dad.

"How could you let him do this?! He could've gotten hurt on that bull!"

"Because he's a disgrace to this community!" His dad yelled at me. What the hell?! What kind of father is he?!

"You are not going anywhere near that bull" I tell him.


"I want you to take off that stupid outfit, and I wanna get outta here" I tell him again.

"Coming up, our main event. Lucas Friar tangles with Tombstone" We heard the announcement and Lucas started walking towards the exit door.

"Lucas look at me" I said to Lucas before he walks out. "If you do this, I will never speak to you again"

Lucas stands there in shocked, and then he replied "Maya I have to do this"

"I'll never speak to you again" I looked at him once more and walked out of the tent.

"Maya, what" I heard him said, but I keep walking away and sit fence a hundred yards away from the ring.

I saw Lucas enters the ring and hop on Tombstone the bull.

"That's the bull?!" I say to myself.

"That's Lucas Friar right there climbing up onto Tombstone. Let's see how old Tombstone feels about that" I heard the announcement.

"Here we go, folks. Time for the moment of truth. And the gate opens!" I heard the announcement and I looked away, because I don't want to see him get hurt.

"LUCAS!" I heard Josh screams.

I stood up  and run up to the ring, pushing everyone that was in my way. And I saw something that breaks me into a thousand pieces. Lucas were laying on the ground and blood were everywhere.

"CALL 911!!!" I heard Josh screamed.

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