Chapter 26 : A day in the park

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Farkle's pov:

I was the first to wake up. I saw Josh, Maya, Liv and Riley still sleeping. I took a look at the room, and I saw popcorns were everywhere. I got so bored so I took my phone and went to Instagram. I saw that Maya post a picture of us in Disneyland on her Instagram. I looked at Maya who was still sleeping. She was so beautiful, even when she was sleeping. I think I'm in love with her.

I got down from the bed and went closer to Maya. I touched her beautiful blonde hair, it was so soft and beautiful. I don't know what happened, but I leaned closer to Maya and kissed her on the cheek. Maya moved a little, and I panicked as I quickly got back to my bed and hid myself under the covers. What did I just do??

I heard someone moving. I took a quick peep and saw Maya waking up. She looked at me hiding

"What are you doing Farkle? Hiding from someone?"She giggled.

"I'm..... cold?" I lied.

"Good morning everyone" Riley got up as she tidied up her hair.

"Morning Riles" I said. After that, Liv got up, followed by Josh.

"Well now that everyone's awake, shall we have some breakfast?" I asked.

"Sure" All of us said in unison. And then, we all went downstairs.

"Good morning everyone" Maya's mom said as she took out some plates. "Breakfast are bacon and scrambled eggs"

"Yum..  How do you know that's my favorite" I smiled widely. I hurriedly sat down and gobbled down my plate of bacon and scrambled eggs.

Maya's pov:

We finished our bacon and scrambled eggs and we headed back to my room. We're all just laying in my bed and go through our phones. I decided to get up and go take a shower. Today, I decided to wear a halter crop top with my high waisted short.

"So what's the plan for today?" I asked. They all thought for a minute before replying.

"We could all go to the park and just hang out" Riley suggested.


Later that day, we all go to the park. I love being at the park. I love to hear the birds chirping. I love how the winds blowing all over me, even if it sometimes ruin my hair. And I love the sound of little kids laughing.

Everyone are playing at the playground. Riley and Liv are eating ice cream. I was just playing in the swing and think about Lucas, until I feel someone push me from the back and it made me scream so loud. I almost fell down, but thank god Josh catches me.

"Careful" He smirked

"Haha, very funny" I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"You wanna get some ice cream?"

"Yeah, sure" I reply.

We both go to the ice cream truck that's right in front of the play ground.

"So what flavor do you want, mam?" Asked the ice cream man.

"I have chocolate and she have vanilla with rainbow sprinkles" Said Josh

"Aww.... You remembered" I said to Josh and he just rolled his eyes in response.

The ice cream man grabbed 2 waffle cones and filled one of it with chocolate and the other one with vanilla. And then he threw a lot of rainbow sprinkles on the vanilla one and hand the ice creams to us.

"Thank you" Said Josh and handed him the money. And then, we heard a loud noise coming from the playground. We quickly run there, and see Riley laying on the ground.

"May I ask what happened?" I raised my eyebrow and a small smile on my lips.

" I think I broke my butt" Riley chirped happily from the ground. We all laugh really hard at what Riley said. But then, Liv's eyes widen and she quickly grab my wrist.

"Liv, what's wrong?" I asked her, worried.

"Maya, isn't that Lucas?" She asked, pointing at a boy with a dirty blonde hair and green eyes.

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