1) A Different World

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Posted 1st January 2016

Today is World Peace Day. This is a beautiful aspiration, but I expect there will be about as much suffering throughout the World today as many other days in the previous year. So instead, I want to tell you about a different world. A world where EVERY day is peaceful, and happy.

There could be more than 10 billion earth-type habitable planets in the Milky Way. If one percent of these planets is inhabited by life, and if one percent of these living planets includes intelligent life, then there could be 1 million civilizations in the Milky Way. One of these civilizations inhabits a small planet called Koro.

The Way of Life on Koro

Koro looks very similar to Earth, but it is a little older. It is a beautiful planet. Its oceans, lakes and rivers are clean and abundant with a rich variety of aquatic life. The atmosphere is clean, and the chemical composition of the air is kept in perfect balance by the rich variety of oxygen-producing vegetation. The wildlife and plant life is abundant and varied too. The entire planet is a perfectly harmonious and balanced system. This is not a lucky accident of nature. For example, there are volcanoes that occasionally erupt, which might otherwise reduce the air quality, but there is technology which actively cleans the air. You see, Koro is populated by a civilisation which is a little more advanced than that which exists on Earth today. These bipedal hominids all act together in common purpose: to do what is best for ALL sentient beings on the planet. This means taking care of their shared home, the planet Koro.

The entire population of Koro acts like a single body: in the same way that a prudent individual human being wouldn't neglect a cut on their little finger, thus safeguarding the health of their entire body, all the Korovians act together to address all instances of strife, regardless of scale or remoteness. Priority is given to issues which have the greatest impact on the well-being of the entire planet - but all issues are attended to - down to and including any discomfort felt by any individual.

There is no money exchange, or trade, or barter in existence in Koro. Trade was found to lead to some groups accumulating vast resources, while many others were forced to struggle to survive. Trade also rewarded corrupt behaviour and left kind people vulnerable to exploitation. That is, in the days of trade, indifference was a strength and kindness a weakness. The whole planet, everyone, suffered to varying extents as a result of the discord resulting from the global imbalance that such desperate competition produced. This was the old way.

These days, everyone is given, unconditionally, what they need to live a comfortable life. The emphasis is on giving ALL beings the best possible life. That is, whilst in the short term the quality of one person's or group's life may be improved when it is at the expense of another person's well-being, this is not allowed, as the logical conclusion is a super-wealthy class and a struggling class, which could destabilise the planet as it did in the old days, and lead to suffering for all. The basic needs and comforts of everyone are met unconditionally. Everyone is given to equally, and treated equally. Everyone is supported to be all they can be. There are no mundane jobs or tasks. Robots carry out physical tasks; computers carry out thinking tasks. This leaves people free to enjoy unlimited leisure time; develop their education; embark on research with an aim to improving life for everyone on the planet or to further the frontiers of knowledge; creative arts; entertainment; etc. People follow their heart's desire. Unrestrained by survival concerns and with support all around them, the quality of the arts, entertainment, research, everything, is superb. The advances in medical research, for example, are incredibly fast. Robotics and computer technology advances all the time and so the quality of life for EVERYONE goes up at a rapid pace.

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