5) The Global Family

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Posted 30th January 2016

Good Parenting

Good parents care for their children's well being, both in the short term and the long term. They want what is best for their children. They want their children to be safe, healthy and happy. They will not allow their children to do anything that will harm themselves or others. They will teach their children to be kind and considerate to others, to share their toys and play nicely. Ultimately, the parents want the children to learn to take care of themselves and others; to be good, well adjusted people, and to be happy. Good parents love their children unconditionally and want all their children to be happy.

A small child may want to play by the side of the road, but the parent will tell them not to because it is dangerous. If the child disobeys, the parent will physically move the child away from danger, and teach the child the dangers. If the child attempts to hurt another child, the parent will intervene, not allow it and talk to the child: "Why did you do that?", "How would you feel if the other child did that to you?", "Treat others the way you'd like to be treated."

The parent wants all their children to be happy and grow up to be wise and kind people. The parent allows the children to play and explore their environment, to have lots of fun and freedom. However the parent demands the obedience of the children so that they can have control over them to stop the children doing anything that will be harmful to them or to others in the short or long term, and also so as to tell the child to behave in a way that improves their life or the lives of others. On account of their age and experience, the parent is wiser and more knowledgeable than the children. Also, unlike the young children who are generally only concerned with their own individual immediate gratification and are self-interested, the parent thinks of all their children, and wants for the long term best interests of each and all of the children. The parent loves all the children, wants them to be happy, and therefore demands their obedience so that he/she can balance the needs of all the children, and bring peace and happiness to all the children, and raise them to be good people.

The people of Earth are like children. They are self-interested, competitive, and have a tendency to fight one another. They pursue their own immediate gratification, with little regard for how it may affect others now or in the future. They often behave in a way that is harmful to themselves in the long term. They form gangs that dominate and exploit weaker groups or individuals. Left to their own devices (it seems), the children have turned their home, the Earth, into a violent, polluted, cruel place.

What these unruly 'children' need is the firm hand of loving parents. Parents who will guide them in what is right for all the children, act in the long term best interests of all the children, and stop harmful behaviour. These parents could be a global government, a 'one world government'. It is not comprised of elected officials, themselves like children, perhaps corrupted as is often the case in present day politics, but rather a cybernetic system: a computer - the code of which is transparent for all to see its workings. It is programmed to 'listen' to the needs of the environment and the living beings, and to act accordingly. It is programmed to care for all the beings of the planet for all time. To have the beings' best interests as its objective for all time to come. At first, human intervention will be needed, but more and more the system can be automated, in the same way as most other things can be automated. Human beings are fallible. Some people are corrupt, some are well-meaning, but all are prone to make mistakes. Humans can be charismatic, inspire confidence and faith in them, but this is illusionary, a perception. "To err is to be human" as it I said.

Computers, programmed correctly, get it right every time. Complex jets which require perfect responsiveness to the fast moving air over their surfaces must be computer controlled, humans cannot perform the necessarily complex and multitude calculations instantaneously. Complex calculations in engineering and science are performed by computer as humans cannot perform them anywhere near as quickly or as comprehensively or as reliably. Therefore, the synergistic management of the entire planet earth such that all its beings achieve optimal happiness for all time to come, which means the environment is kept clean, emergencies are responded to instantly and appropriately, resources are allocated and managed appropriately, etc., etc. requires a computer. Humans are woefully incapable to manage this.

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