4) The Global Body

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Posted 25th January 2016

The weekend break

One Friday afternoon, a man was lying on his couch at home, feeling unhappy. He wondered what would make him happy. He thought back to the fun times he'd had as a child with his cousin at his cousin's home near the seaside. He and his cousin used to explore the rock pools, play on the beach, be chased by the incoming waves and go long adventurous walks. Now, his cousin has moved away from home. However, his elderly aunt still lived there, about three hundred miles away from his home. The man had an idea, he could revisit the place of his childhood fun and adventures this weekend. He could spend a relaxing and pleasant time with his aunt, perhaps going a walk out to the beach and rock pools. Then, have dinner together, and then an evening in front of a good film. In the morning, he could go with his Aunt to church, like he used to as a child, then take her for lunch somewhere nice. Then maybe another nostalgic stroll around the town and the harbour, weather permitting. Yes, that'd be a very pleasant way to spend the weekend, he thought. The man decided he'd call his aunt to check if it was OK to visit at such short notice.

He jumped off the couch, and walked quickly to his telephone. He called his aunt - it turned out she was free that weekend, and he told her he'd be there the next day, in the afternoon. The man felt his mood lifting.

The man spent the evening packing a small suitcase for his trip. By this time he was quite excited at the prospect of his little excursion, almost like when he was a child going on holiday there. He worked out what he needed to take: fresh clothes, toiletries, slippers and a board game his aunt might enjoy playing with him.

When the suitcase was packed with everything he thought he might need, the man began to zip it up. Unfortunately, the metal zip was damaged and had a tiny sharp protrusion on it. The man felt a sudden pain on the tip of his index finger, and let out an involuntary gasp. He quickly retracted his hand, bringing it close to his body.

He examined his finger: there was a small cut, a few millimetres long, and it began to bleed

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He examined his finger: there was a small cut, a few millimetres long, and it began to bleed. He put his sore finger in his mouth, thus soothing the pain a little, and walked quickly to his kitchen. He turned on the cold tap and put his injured finger in the flowing water. This actually made the small wound sting more, but he believed it to be a good precaution against any early infection getting into his bloodstream. After a minute or so, the man dried his finger with a paper towel. Then, he spent about a minute trying to remember where he kept the sticking plasters. With his free hand, he opened his kitchen drawers one by one, until he happened upon a drawer full of various bits and pieces. He rummaged around the contents of the drawer for a few seconds, then his hand fell on a small cardboard box.

"Ah ha!" He said with a smile. He pulled out the box. Then he frowned - it was a pack of playing cards. Maybe he'd used up all the plasters and had thrown the box away, he thought.

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