31) Angels and Demons

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Posted 4th August 2016

I want a house, a cottage even, just a place with sufficient living space, and a garden.

I want to live in a safe and healthy environment.

I want healthy food and clean water.

I want to have access to education.

I want to have access to recreational and leisure facilities.

I want to have use of transportation so that I can travel anywhere in the World.

I want to have accommodation and food provided anywhere I wish to go.

And so on, and so on.

I guess you want similar things (but if you'd only be content with owning many square miles of land you'd then be impinging upon what is available for others).

Now, I won't feel the direct benefit if you were to get what you want - so why should I help you get what you want?

Also, you won't feel the direct benefit if I were to get what I want - so why should you help me get what I want?

So ... neither of us gets what we want.

...Which, in turn, answers why I should help you, and why you should help me - that is, that way we will BOTH get what we want!

Over the past few days I've been watching various documentaries of a BBC series about gangs and pirates. Each part includes interviews with either gang members or pirates who have often committed brutal acts. However, the story behind these gang members and pirates is often one of extreme poverty, deprivation, abuse, injustice and a general lack of hope for the future. It seems that had they been born into a comfortable, safe lifestyle, where their needs were in plenty supply, then they might not have turned to crime.

So, what if, rather than every individual on Earth only looking out for themselves, instead, everyone on Earth were to cooperate to give every person on Earth what they need to lead happy and healthy lives? One for all, and all for one? Then, the desperation and sense of hopelessness that seems to be a trend among those that turn to crime wouldn't exist. Then crime itself would go down. Then the World would be a happier and safer place for everyone. And then people would not need to build walls to defend themselves against other people.

The way things are on Earth at the moment CANNOT go on! The state of the World and the disjointed, unfair and haphazard manner in which it is run is absolutely unacceptable, and has no long term future. There MUST be a global shift to a system of total global cooperation: to realise a planet-wide system where EVERYONE has their needs met, and their desires granted (where these do not harm others).

Quite literally, we are ALL in the same boat (as we circumnavigate our star, and ride up and down the waves around the centre of our galaxy). We need to care for EVERYONE, so that the World becomes a safe, healthy and happy place, and thus, we look after our individual selves. Eh Voila! Who says the selfless and the selfish, the angel and the demon, can't coexist?

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