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I believe that if the World's population act cooperatively then they could pull one another out of despair and build a global paradise for everyone to enjoy for all time to come. Throughout 2016 I published 53 blog posts arguing the case for global cooperation. I invented short stories, produced comparative tables, wrote essays and discussed the work of others all with the purpose of persuading my readers to contemplate this better way to optimise the happiness of all sentient beings on Earth. Specifically, I propose the following simple 'constitution' for the people of Earth: -

"All people do what is best for all sentient beings, for all time to come."

What follows is the text of my 53 blog posts for each week of 2016.

Alistair Drummond

2nd April 2017


"The Force Awakens

Beginning Friday January 1st 2016: -

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Beginning Friday January 1st 2016: -

A series of blogs on bringing the World together as one

A new blog will be posted at noon UTC every Friday, the day of Venus, of 2016

Please be ready with an open mind.

Alistair Drummond

18th December 2015"


"United Earth" image from:

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