40) Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind

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Posted 30th September 2016

"Have we taken off yet?" said Roy, nervous but excited at the same time.

"We took off three minutes ago," said the guide, "We have now passed over to a higher frequency"

"A higher frequency?" said Roy, "Wait, how did I hear you say that? You didn't even move your mouth!"

"I am using telepathy. I do not understand your word sounds but, rather, the meaning behind them which you communicate with your thoughts as you speak. Indeed, you do not need to use words at all, but this takes time for you to master. I simply transmit my thoughts from my mind directly to yours. There is no language barrier. Just as your brain translates different light frequencies into colours, so too can it translate the meaning of the thoughts I send to you into the verbal language you are familiar with."

"Wow!" exclaimed Roy, "And, eh, what do you mean we've passed to a higher frequency? How far from Earth are we?"

"We are presently 0.5 light years away from Earth and 120 Hertz above your Earth's frequency," 'said' the guide, "We have 8.1 light years and +475 Hertz further to go before we arrive at our destination."

"And where is that?" said Roy.

"We are taking you to visit another inhabited planet in the Sirius star system," said the guide.

"Sirius!" Roy took a moment to absorb this incredible information, then continued, "Wait, what do you mean we are increasing in frequency? I don't feel any different."

"We are moving to a higher physical dimension, one where your galaxy is abundant with civilisations more advanced and peaceful than yours. You are not aware of the change because everything around you, in this ship, is also increasing in frequency at the same rate."

"How long until we get there?" said Roy.

"About 40 minutes," said the guide.

Roy guessed the guide had not used the term 'minutes' but this was the translation carried out in his own mind of her? his? its? thoughts.

"I am a woman," said the guide.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you could..."

"Do not apologise. You are curious. That is why we chose you."

"You ... chose me? I thought I chose to come?"

"Many saw our lights in the sky," said the guide, "but most dismissed what they saw as simply something they would never understand. Others made further investigations, but were soon put off by the ridicule of family and friends, and the pressure to conform to societal norms. And so they returned to their routines of work and family life, and put away their investigations. But a very few, like you, persisted. You listened to your inner thoughts, doggedly trying to understand the image of a strange tower in your dreams. You were not dissuaded by the reproaches by your wife, by losing your job, and by your wife leaving you. You were not put off by false warnings of poison gas issued by the army. You scrambled up 'Devil's Tower', as you have climbed the mountain that was the mystery given you that night you were struck by our light at the train crossing. After you reached the highest point of your climb, it was 'all downhill from there' as you say. The revelation you sought was beginning to unfold before you. Finally, you left JG, Jillian Guiler, your last invocation to remain as she would go no further, and you continued your descent of the mountain. You walked across the flat ground and entered our ship, and we raised you up to embark on the journey you are on now. Your efforts were a sign to us of your suitability for this journey. Your journey of discovery has been a sign to you of your suitability also. Start - Up mountain - Down mountain - Down mountain - Up into sky. A sign of your journey. A sine wave. The shape of 'the big dipper' constellation we recreated while you sat on the mountain. Our song in the skies of your planet, the same tune your scientists and we played to each other at our introduction a little earlier. We chose you, because you chose you. Your willingness and determination to step into the unknown in the pursuit of understanding is why you are here now. 'Wisdom is found by those who seek her'"

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