51) Rogue '51

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Posted 23rd December 2016

Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction which builds upon historical events and actual claims/theories which are in the public domain.

"Report," said the admiral, abruptly.

"It's a beautiful planet, admiral," said Captain Esa, "The intelligent population are no longer acting separately, nor behaving jealously and aggressively fending for themselves. They have organised themselves to care for one another unconditionally, like a loving family. They have now fully repaired their environment, which is now of a quality not seen since before their dirty industrial revolution. They have discarded their age-old cruel system of exchange where those with little to trade were marginalised, while others ravished and damaged the planet and its population in the single-minded pursuit of monetary tokens. They have undertaken a survey of the planet's natural resources, and developed a planet-wide system to intelligently and sustainably manage those resources in a manner which optimises the happiness of the whole population. They have developed simple computing and robotic tools to ease their burden, and give them more free time to carry out research into making their planet even happier and healthier for everyone. They are now on a clear path towards transforming their planet into a paradise for every inhabitant. It's ... beautiful!"

Tears of joy welled up in Esa's eyes. He was glad the admiral couldn't see him.

"Good," said the admiral, sounding unmoved. "Now, Esa, I need you to divert from your schedule of civilisation inspections for a while. There's been an alarming incident two light years from your current position. A nuclear detonation has been detected on a planet's surface. I'd send a more experienced scout party, but yours is by far the nearest to the planet. Sending orders to your ship's computer now. Out."

The small saucer ship heaved as it suddenly changed direction and accelerated away from the direction of the galactic core and along arm four of the spiral galaxy. A door slid open and a women emerged.

"What's going on, Captain?" said second lieutenant Yia.

Another woman walked through the door, her tight fitting silver body suit wet from a spilled beverage.

"Yeah, what gives Esa?" said second-lieutenant Tol in unbridled irritation, "Why the sudden manoeuvre?"

"The ship's been issued new orders," said Esa, "An outer rim civilisation's in trouble."

Two years later, the small saucer ship arrived at its destination, and commenced a planetary survey from an elevation of 30,000 miles. The small crew were shocked at the devastation they found. There had clearly been a recent global conflict. Whole cities had been destroyed, with a great many people having suddenly passed away. There was ongoing suffering for much of the population, but this appeared to have been a long term situation typical of such immature civilisations which struggle against themselves, before arriving at the conclusion that total cooperation is the only way to find lasting peace and happiness for everyone. The crew located the site of the first test of a nuclear bomb, which had first alerted central command, and other such test sites. Then they discovered two devastated cities, both on the same ")" - shaped island, which had each been victim to a hydrogen bomb explosion.

"Report," said the Admiral over the ship's comm-link.

"We've completed a survey of the planet," said Esa, "Much of the population are suffering through poverty and neglect from their fellow beings. The competing global powers are hurrying to develop their nuclear weaponry following its first use as a weapon of war two years ago. We're currently above a base where there is much rocket research ongoing. I suspect the purpose of these new rockets is to enable the delivery of nuclear warheads to distant locations without the use of aeroplanes. If this is allowed to continue the next outbreak of war might render the planet uninhabitable for a thousand years."

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