42) The Proof of the Pudding

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Posted 23rd October 2016

When I was at University, studying civil engineering, I was given a research project. As part of my research, I was required to determine a particular physical property of a structure. I thought about how to achieve this, then I came up with a simple but unconventional procedure. Consequently, I was able to accurately derive the desired value. I explained the procedure to my project supervisor, which he found to be unusual. Then I showed him the results, which he found to be correct. He gestured his acceptance of the procedure and said, "The proof of the pudding is in the eating." This was the first time I'd heard the last four words of this expression.

Let's consider this phrase. "The proof of the pudding," that is, the way to tell if a dessert tastes nice regardless of the ingredients used, cooking methods adopted or apparent competency of the chef, "is in the eating," that is by simply tasting it without prejudice. Now, let's apply this test to the planet Earth:-

The present global system is one of individual nations, each governed by groups of individuals with differing political ideologies. There is international trade where, if a nation has many commodities to offer it either does better in trade exchanges than less well stocked nations, or it attracts military or economic invasion from other nations wishing to acquire control its resources. It's all very complicated, as evidenced by the many opposing opinions given by experts on to how to deal with various fluctuating economic and military problems. It seems no-one has a firm grasp of the situation as stabilising the economy and the planet seems to elude the World's people. I admit, there is a lot about the present various political and economic systems across the World which I do not fully understand. However, "the proof of the pudding is in the eating," that is, whilst I may not understand them fully, I can see the results of the eclectic mix of systems that comprise present day Earth. There are wars, political and military tensions, starvation, crime, refugee crises, etc. etc. So, whilst I don't comprehend fully the methodologies and ingredients used in making "the pudding" that is present day Earth, through the media I can deduce that it 'tastes' disgusting!

Is there an economic theory, a methodology which has been proven to give the optimal reconciliation between a group of people, i.e. the human race, who each want to derive the greatest satisfaction for their individual selves, i.e. for 'the pudding' that is life on Earth 'to taste nice' to them?

Yes, there is. It's called 'The Nash Equilibrium'.

From "A Beautiful Mind"*  

*[I was loathe to include this clip as it shows people smoking. However, this video depicts the 1950's when attitudes to smoking were more naive. These days, whereas people may not understand the complex biological processes involved, it has been proven to them through television and/or through knowing someone who had their time on Earth curtailed through smoking, that smoking is harmful. That is, "the proof of the pudding," the 'pudding' being smoking in this case, "is in the eating," the well established statistics and examples showing a strong correlation between habitual smoking and a reduced time on Earth. If it weren't for cigarettes, my own dad might still be walking this planet, instead of suffering for 10 years, then succumbing to his illness shortly after his retirement. Please don't smoke!]

"The best result would come from everyone in the group doing what's best for himself - and the group." - John Forbes Nash Jr.

Let's say the group comprises every person on Earth.

Each person wants to derive the greatest personal satisfaction for themselves.

Let's look at the primary options: -

1. If you take from others, you will increase in resources but will attract reproach from desperate people who have not been so successful. You need security and safeguards which are limited in reliability, as the desperate people are as intelligent as you are. This is not a satisfactory situation.

2. If you do nothing, others might take advantage of you, leaving you wanting. This is not satisfactory.

3. However, If everyone agrees to care for everyone on Earth, the group, as they care for themselves, then everyone gets fed, is given a comfortable home, and is cared for. You have no enemies, but a planet full of friends and allies. This situation is stable, or, in equilibrium, if everyone is educated to learn that this is the best option for them, and so no one wants to change it, and so no police force is needed to enforce this system. The only necessity is education so as to give everyone the understanding that this is the best way for them as individuals so that they freely choose to continue it.

My substitution of the 'getting the blonde' game theory speech in the above clip, is as follows: -

"If we all go for global domination, we block each other, and not a single one of us is going to win the Earth;

So then we resign ourselves to share the planet, but it will no longer be habitable to us as it has been damaged by our previous wars for dominance.

But what if no-one goes for global domination? We don't get in each other's way, and we don't damage the planet. That's the only way we win. That's the only way we will build paradise on Earth."

"The best result would come from everyone in the group doing what's best for himself - and the group," sounds very like, in meaning, to what Jesus said, "Love your neighbour as yourself".

When the single group that is the human race act in accordance with this logic, all the proof they will need as to its wisdom will be in the delicious taste of the 'pudding', the paradise on Earth that results for everyone to share in and enjoy.

"All love can do"

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