25) Refer-END-um

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Posted 23rd June 2016

A few weeks ago I told you I intended to publish a blog post as my reflection upon Laudato si', Pope Francis' encyclical on care for our common home, on 18th June, the 1 year anniversary of its actual publication. However, due to a combination of procrastination and forgetfulness, I have yet to read the encyclical fully. Therefore, I will, and I mean it this time, publish my findings on the encyclical later on this year.


Today is the day the British public take part in a referendum on whether or not to remain in the European Union (having first joined in 1973). People across the country have either decided, are taking a guess, or are still not sure, which option most benefits themselves as individuals, and their immediate family and friends. As I discussed a few weeks ago, I suspect one option is more beneficial to one group of people, and the other option more beneficial to another group of people. The larger of the two self-interested parties will win, and the smaller group will have to make do. However, in the case of most of the electorate, which option will actually be of most benefit to them is uncertain, as proponents of both sides have been rubbishing the others' claims.

Let's step back from this fray, and look at the whole World. Why can't we have a Global referendum? Rather than asking the global electorate to choose between various technical options, like which political system they prefer or which national alliances they prefer, upon which they generally have no in depth understanding, instead, ask them the following question:

 Why can't we have a Global referendum? Rather than asking the global electorate to choose between various technical options, like which political system they prefer or which national alliances they prefer, upon which they generally have no in dep...

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The above question can be answered confidently by most people on Earth, and I expect the overwhelming majority of people will answer 'yes'. Then, we, the World, can set about honouring that intelligently and emotively driven democratic decision. That is, the whole World could act cooperatively, as one global body, one global family, to address the various technical challenges that providing a nice life to every individual on planet Earth presents i.e. providing EVERYONE with:-

· A comfortable home

· Healthy food

· Clean water

· Recreation facilities

· Entertainment

· Access to education

· A clean and balanced environment

· A planet abundant in flora and fauna

· A safe environment

· All the many other elements that make for a nice life on Earth

Now, some people may say that their idea of a nice life is to have more than their neighbour, that is, another person on Earth. Perhaps they want to own huge tracts of land, have servants and embark on frequent big game hunting expeditions. Clearly, these preferences impinge upon the happiness of others: reduces the available land, reduces the freedom of others and causes suffering to sentient beings (the 'game'). So, to give everyone a nice life, which is to honour the referendum result, is not the same as everyone being free to take whatever they want, as such behaviour then leads to restrictions and harm being imposed on others (if you don't believe me, just look around you - that is the brutal system that the World has been persisting with for many years). That is, to honour the result of the global referendum, giving everyone a nice life, there must be balance. That is, give everyone as nice a life as possible, but no one person being treated more or less favourably than another.

The honouring of the overwhelming public outcry for each Global citizen to 'have a nice life' is something that requires day to day adherence, both on a one-to-one basis by simply being kind and thoughtful to one another, and on a global scale e.g. in the globally cooperative development of more efficient systems and technologies designed to improve the lives of everyone on Earth now and for generations to come. Think how wonderful such a World would be!

But for today, British citizens will vote to either leave or remain in the EU. To gamble on an unknown type of struggle, or stay with the struggle they know.

It could be so much better than this - you just have to ask the whole World the right question.

The World in Union, The World as One

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