29) The Road to Mars

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Posted 17th July 2016

Recently I watched an interview of Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the Moon. In the discussion, Buzz suggested a space station could be built that is set in such a trajectory that it periodically passes Earth and Mars. This would better allow Mars to be permanently occupied, as a Martian base could be regularly supplied and people could come and go via small shuttle craft whenever there is a space station pass. Buzz insisted that to build such an Earth-Mars "permanent pathway", to build an intermediate Moon base, and to build a base on Mars would require international cooperation. That is, all countries helping one another would be far more effective than if they were to jealously compete against one another. This makes good sense, there is a much greater chance of success if all countries share their knowledge, expertise and resources in the pursuit of a common goal. Also, every country would share in the excitement of humans venturing onto another planet for the first time.

If and when such an international effort to colonise Mars gets underway, there will be World-leading experts from the various supporting disciplines engaged. For example: -

· Scientists - will carry out ongoing research to find the most efficient ways to achieve the various technical requirements e.g. recycle water, protect the colonists from solar radiation, grow food, protect the Martian environment, search for signs of life on Mars, etc.;

· Engineers - will implement scientific findings in the building, operation and maintenance of structural, electronic, electrical, mechanical and chemical systems to ensure the safe and efficient functioning of the Earth-Mars 'pathway' and the Martian colony;

· Psychologists - will prepare astronauts and colonists for prolonged space travel and life on Mars;

· Nutritionists and health care professionals - will help colonists stay in peak physical health;

· Etc.

Computer modelling and physical testing will be required to perfect the multitude procedures for safe transportation, colony building and sustaining the colony. This research will be ongoing so as to continuously develop and adapt the various necessary procedures and technologies with a view to making them increasingly safer and more efficient.

Of course, there's a lot more involved than the simplified and generalised activities I have listed above. The main point is that colonising Mars will require the cooperation of World-leading experts of various scientific and engineering disciplines who, without ego, simply pursue the optimum technical solution to the problem: how to maintain a healthy colony on Mars.

All sounds fairly logical. So let's do it!

See you next .... sorry, what did you say?

What do you mean it's not that easy?

Oh yes, I remember now. The countries of the World are politically divided and, to varying degrees, struggling to cope with their separate issues. Countries generally cannot responsibly afford to allocate resources to such bold projects as colonising Mars for, among other curiosity-satisfying reasons, the purposes of searching for microscopic life.

You're right, we shouldn't be putting resources into space research when there are more immediate needs here on Earth.

Oh well, that's that then.

But wait a minute - something doesn't make sense here: if, as roughly outlined above, it is conceivable mankind could colonise Mars in a few years, with all the technical coordination that that entails, then why has mankind failed in the seemingly easier task of peacefully and efficiently colonising their home planet to the point that, say, a Mars colonisation project would be economically acceptable?

Let's draw a comparison between the proposed methods for the colonisation of Mars, and the methods currently employed in the colonisation of the Earth:-

If the same scientific and technical approach which is clearly necessary to successfully colonise Mars were first applied to managing the Earth in a way that provides a healthy and happy life for ALL Earthlings, then there would be global harmony ...

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If the same scientific and technical approach which is clearly necessary to successfully colonise Mars were first applied to managing the Earth in a way that provides a healthy and happy life for ALL Earthlings, then there would be global harmony on Earth. Then, the World would be in a position to embark on ambitious and exciting programmes such as colonising Mars, searching for life in the ocean below the surface ice of Europa and Enceladus, landing on more comets to search for the chemical seeds of life, and much more!

As I wrote this blog post last night, I was listening to a group of politicians on 'Radio 5 Live' shouting over one another to express their various opinions on the leader of the UK Labour Party: -

"I just don't feel he has the confidence of the party"

"I don't think we'll be electable if he is leader"

"I think Jeremy is a great guy, and I have every confidence in his ability to lead our party"

- Opinions, personal agendas, impassioned beliefs etc. by a group of possibly well meaning but probably partially guessing politicians. Why do such people, who pander to averagely educated and subjective popular opinion in order to maintain their position, rule over scientists and engineers who could actually research and implement the means to optimise happiness for ALL Earthlings? It's as if mixed-ability high school students are dictating the curriculum to University professors, simply because the high school students exist in greater numbers.

Can you imagine an international consortium of scientists and engineers behaving like bickering politicians whilst working on the design of an Earth-Mars pathway space station? Of course they wouldn't! To paraphrase Jacque Fresco, they would arrive at the scientifically proven correct solution, without bias or ego.

When humanity dispenses with the court of uneducated popular opinion, and approaches the problem of optimising the happiness of all Earthlings in a scientific manner, then a bright future will begin to unfold before mankind.


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