11) Happy 100th Birthday Jacque!

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Posted 13th March 2016

This week's blog post is a birthday message to Jacque Fresco, who celebrates his 100th birthday today.

Dear Jacque,

Happy 100th birthday!

I hope you enjoyed your celebratory meeting yesterday, and feel the great regard and respect in which your much needed life's work is held.

When I was a young man, I used to have long conversations with my dad (usually in the early morning over a cup of coffee or two) about the horrible state of the World. My dad is an avid reader of World history, reads a broadsheet newspaper every day, and never misses the 6 o'clock news. I have learned so much from him. It was during one of our early morning talks he said that the only way forward for man is a One World Government. When I told him I thought man might destroy themselves first, he told me that he has faith in man's ability, and that he thinks man will sort the problem out. At that time, I wasn't so sure.

I should say I use the present tense when talking about my dad, as although his earth body died a few years ago, I suspect he lives on, somewhere, and that sometimes we meet in my dreams.

About 10 years ago, or so, I happened to be reading through the comments to a video on YouTube. Someone had commented about the awful state of the World, and that we need to come together as one World to bring peace. There was a reply comment to this which simply said, "Have you heard about the Venus Project?"

This made me mildly curious, so I did an internet search for "The Venus Project".

After glancing over the website, and looking at the amazing pictures of futuristic cities on land and at sea, I turned to YouTube again to find out more about this guy, Jacque Fresco. The first video I watched was an interview given by you, Jacque, discussing why we should move away from the monetary system, and instead have an economy based on the actual availability of the World's resources. That we should do away with 'planned obsolescence' and produce in abundance those items that we need. That mundane jobs can be automated, freeing us to do the things we want to do, and to develop as global citizens. That we need education, not weapons. That we should have a computer based system managing the whole Earth efficiently, so that there are no incompetencies or corruption that are characteristic of humans. That we should come together as one World, and act holistically on a global scale. That the World and its resources should become the common heritage of ALL the people on Earth. I was fascinated, and excited!

I downloaded many interviews with you, Jacque, and Roxanne talking to various radio hosts. It was fascinating! The more I heard and thought about what you were saying, the more The Venus Project made sense. I used to go on long walks, listening to interviews and lectures given by you and Roxanne. One time, I climbed up a steep hill on a chilly windy day, and looked out at the countryside view for a couple of hours, just listening to yours and Roxanne's persuasive arguments for a resource-based economy, free from enslavement to money, trade or barter.

I now agree with my dad, there IS hope for humanity, and man can "sort the problem out" - because you, Jacque, have. All that's needed now is for the World to learn about the Venus Project, and consider the logical arguments you have presented for a harmonious planet. However, as you suggest with regret, there may be some pain man has to go through first as they cling to the old competitive ways, before realising the only way forward is global unity.

You are an inspiration, Jacque, and your life's work is a gift to humanity. Most of the World just doesn't realise it yet. For my own modest part, I have set up this blog (with a new post every week (every Friday actually - 'the day of Venus' - but I'm usually a day or so late!) of 2016) to hopefully encourage my readers towards learning more about the Venus Project.

 For my own modest part, I have set up this blog (with a new post every week (every Friday actually - 'the day of Venus' - but I'm usually a day or so late!) of 2016) to hopefully encourage my readers towards learning more about the Venus Project

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I am also very encouraged by the work of Pope Francis, who celebrates his 3rd anniversary as Pope today. His encyclical "Laudato Si' - On Care For Our Common Home" is a call to the World to care for our shared home, the Earth.

As you have said a few times, there are no final frontiers, no Utopias. That what you propose would be a straight-jacket to the people of the future. But what I say is the city and designs you propose are a very good first step. The seed to an iterative process that man could learn from, and improve upon, thus improving society more and more as time goes on.

Like the Morning Star, Venus, which heralds a new dawn, the Venus Project is a beacon of hope for a new beginning for humanity. A golden age of peace and happiness.

And you, Jacque, like a mechanical jack, continue to lift the leviathan that is human foolishness up towards a beautiful, safe and healthy World. A fresco of rocks and meadows.

Very best wishes and with great respect,

Alistair Drummond    

"This could be Heaven for everyone"  


'Angel cloud' photo taken hours after Pope Francis makes his first appearance at the Vatican on 13/03/13 - (Huffington Post, 14/03/2013)

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