16) Go Forth and Calculate

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Posted 21st April 2016

In this week's blog post I want to demonstrate, albeit in a very simplistic and crude way, how the World could sensibly calculate the carrying capacity of planet Earth. In reality the input data would be accurately predetermined, the categorisation of the Earth's population would be comprehensive (e.g. including pregnant mothers in their early 30's etc.) and there would be many column titles for the requirements of each individual (e.g. apples, bananas, etc.). The purpose of the following illustration is simply to show in principle how the World could sensibly manage her people:-

1. Carry out a detailed assessment of all the resource needs of every individual;

2. Sum these resource needs across the whole population to calculate the global demand;

3. Calculate the available resources which are sustainably available without harming the environment;

4. If a resource (calculated at step 3) is not available in sufficient abundance for the present population, then endeavour to remedy that. If this cannot be safely achieved then a program of contraception is required to gradually reduce the population to a sustainable level.

 If this cannot be safely achieved then a program of contraception is required to gradually reduce the population to a sustainable level

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