6) The New Commandment

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Posted 6th February 2016

John 13:34-35 (New International Version (NIV) of the Bible): -

(34) "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. (35) By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Perhaps you have complete faith in Jesus Christ, or are unsure, or don't believe at all. Therefore, in the interest of including all people on Earth, let us simply consider the wisdom of "Love one another" as the single law for all humanity, replacing the multitude specific laws of all the various nations.

If the law is 'Love one another', it follows that:-

a) It is illegal to hurt other beings.

b) It is a legal obligation to help other beings.

The most effective means to obey this law is by acting cooperatively on a global scale. This way, your efforts to bring comfort to others and them to you is carried out efficiently.

For example, you may presently spend a lot of time visiting the elderly, and helping them. In the meantime, there is desperate need in other countries, which is being neglected. In a globally managed unified system, you may instead be asked to study a very specific form of nursing. Then, you may be sent to certain people for whom you are the best person to attend to their needs. You may wonder why a nearby elderly neighbour of yours is not one of your patients, but the global system has thought about this: someone else who is specifically trained in the care of that kind of person is tending to them. That is, everyone's specific skills are managed with optimum efficiency. As this global system is more effective at harmonising the needs of everyone, your obedience to this global system is a kinder act than you using your own initiative and potentially throwing the system into chaos, resulting in some people, somewhere, not getting as much care as they need.

There are some people who only do good. There are some people who only do bad. Most people, I imagine, fall into the following description:-

Many people around the World, of all faiths and none, carry out acts of charity and kindness. Many give their time and/or money to worthy causes. Many donate goods to charity shops. Many people are motivated in making career choices which can do good for society. At the same time, many of these same people find ways to better their own position to the detriment of others. New laws are born to protect those affected by these harmful actions, but often the individuals or groups find new ways to better their position at the expense of others. If the group is sufficiently powerful, they may exert financial influence on the state to make laws, amendments and deals that improve their own position. Indeed, laws exist which are detrimental to one group for the benefit of another group. As a consequence, people struggle against one another for resources. They've no choice, because if they're not ruthless, someone else will get more than them, and they could be left impoverished.

Now, If the single law for the whole World is "Love one another", then:-

Everyone would be given as much freedom and comfort as the Earth can continuously sustain. That is "Love one another" would be enacted on a holistic scale: caring for ALL beings on Earth. This requires a total management system to harmonise all "human resources" on Earth to optimise the quality of life for everyone. For such a system to be effective, it requires that all people are completely obedient to it. For Earth's people to accept such a system it is required to be transparent to ensure that there is no corruption or errors in it leading to inequality.

Maybe the bitter experience of mankind to date has been necessary. Maybe it was the plan all along that, rather than be forced to be subject to the law of Jesus, to love one another, that humanity grow in experience and wisdom. Indeed, in the Bible, Matthew 10:34-35, Jesus says, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law".

Jesus is called Rabbi, Teacher. Perhaps this is the lesson all fledgling intelligent races must go through: experience the folly of competing against one another. Then, when wise to the negative consequences of this destructive behaviour, humans are ready to willingly CHOOSE to obey the commandment: Love one another.

The Choice is Ours

What follows is a video recently published by the Venus Project. Whilst I don't hold Jacque Fresco's certainty in certain aspects e.g. his assertion that the Bible is a book of myths, I do concur with his final conclusion: that there must be global cooperation, or humanity might destroy itself. I also think he offers a good first iteration of a harmonious city based on global cooperation, without enslavement to trade, barter or a monetary system i.e. he advocates a resource-based economy:-

(Warning: there are some upsetting images from media clips)

"This film series explores many aspects of our society. To rethink what is possible in our world, we need to consider what kind of world we want to live in. Although we refer to it as civilization, it is anything but civilized. Visions of global unity & fellowship have long inspired humanity, yet the social arrangements up to the present have largely failed to produce a peaceful and productive world. While we appear to be technically advanced, our values and behaviors are not. The possibility of an optimistic future is in stark contrast to our current social, economic, and environmental dilemmas. The Choice Is Ours includes interviews with notable scientists, media professionals, authors, and other thinkers exploring the difficulties we face.

Part I provides an introduction and overview of cultural & environmental conditions that are untenable for a sustainable world civilization. It explores the determinants of behavior to dispel the myth of "human nature", while demonstrating how environment shapes behavior. The science of behavior is an important - yet largely missing - ingredient in our culture.

Part II questions the values, behaviors, and consequences of our social structures, and illustrates how our global monetary system is obsolete and increasingly insufficient to meet the needs of most people. Critical consideration of the banking, media, and criminal justice systems reveals these institutions for what they really are: tools of social control managed by the established political and economic elite. If we stay the present course, the familiar cycles of crime, economic booms & busts, war, and further environmental destruction are inevitable.

Part III explains the methods and potential of science. It proposes solutions that we can apply at present to eliminate the use of non-renewable sources of energy. It depicts the vision of The Venus Project to build an entirely new world from the ground up: a "redesign of the culture", where all enjoy a high standard of living, free of servitude and debt, while also protecting the environment.

Part IV explains how it is not just architecture and a social structure that is in desperate need of change, but our values which have been handed down from centuries ago. They too need to be updated to our technological age, which has the potential to eliminate our scarcity-driven societies of today. Our problems are mostly of our own making, but we can still turn things around before the point of no return. It's not too late for an optimistic outlook on the fantastic possibilities that lie before us."

- The Venus Project, 23rd January 2016

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