24) The Meaning of Life

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Posted 17th June 2016

When I was a boy, I used to leap out of bed on a Saturday morning, excited about what I might do that day.

By contrast, during a school day, I was very reluctant to leave my bed and would have preferred to have a long lie in bed. Most mornings I would barely arrive at school in time, or barely catch the school bus.

As an adult, I jump out of bed when I have somewhere interesting to go or something exciting to do that day or am simply free to do what I want to do.

By contrast, if it is a work day, I have to drag myself out of bed and am often late for work.

That is, I am only enthusiastic if I am free to do what I want to do, or if I have something interesting or exciting planned for the day. Conversely, I am unenthusiastic if I am being compelled to do something I don't want to do.

In times in my life when I have been very unhappy, I have decidedly wanted to be asleep, even a dreamless sleep, rather than be conscious to endure either the psychological pain or physical pain (e.g. a toothache).

In conclusion, consciousness is preferable to unconsciousness, sleeping, if I am both free to do what I want and not suffering. That is, if I am happy.

Whereas, unconsciousness, sleeping, is preferable to being awake if I am being compelled to do what I don't want to do, or am suffering. That is, if I am unhappy.

Therefore, I would suggest that there is no meaning to life. Rather, sentience is a preferred state of being when one is free to follow their heart, and is free from suffering. That is, when one is happy.

If we all work together, maybe we can cooperate to build a World where every living being is happy. Such a world might be ultimately meaningless, but it sure will be joyful.

"Clap along if you feel that happiness is a truth" 

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