3) Starman

72 1 13

Posted 15th January 2016

Parkesgate - the shocking truth revealed

In last week's blog post I told you a lie. I told you an alien message had been sent to Parkes Observatory in Australia. I posted it as a comment to a post on SETI's Facebook page, and someone called me on it. He took issue with the fact the alien's message was in English. Whilst I'd be surprised if communication would be an obstacle for a being familiar with "Planet #3 of star #19084602544", and who is tasked with inspecting life in the galaxy, it is true that there was no alien message sent to Parkes Observatory (that I know of!). That much I made up. I wanted to lure readers to my obscure blog with promises of alien disclosure. However, the contents of the reports, whilst written by me, are generally true. That is, my assessment of this planet as having reached a state of crisis.

Have I learned from this humiliating episode of having to apologise to my blog reader(s) in only my 3rd post? No. I may try to lure more readers to my blog with other such deceptions (not that my upcoming exclusive of the leaked NASA report on the image captured by 'Curiosity' rover, showing text written on the monolith on Mars, in any way falls into this category - watch this space!). But my intentions are good overall: I included in the previous post what I think to be the remedy to all the World's problems: that all people come together, to do what is best for all beings, for all time to come. So please don't be quick to dismiss me. Behind the veil of subterfuge is my attempt at garnering a wide blog readership and directing them towards a common purpose: to develop a happy world for everyone for all time to come.

So there it is, my character is tarnished. My political career lies in ruins before it has begun. Well, that's fine by me. I don't want your trust. I'm a civil engineer who deals in actualities, not a politician who deals in perceptions (and I'm also not very professional at that - my work ethic leaves a lot to be desired - I often sleep in for example - no good for emergency cabinet meetings). I don't want your acceptance of what I say because you think I'm a clever and/or a nice guy. Neither do I want you to dismiss what I say because you think I'm not clever (I never learned long-division, struggled to get through 'Hamlet' and once, absent-mindedly, threw my passport in the bin), or a liar ('Parkesgate' was a white lie I'd say!), or maybe trying to sell you something (e.g. I DO want people/groups/governments, who can easily afford to do so, to donate to the Venus Project, so that they may develop a prototype sustainable community for the World to observe, and I would recommend to the Venus Project that they develop a transparent computer simulation to carry out a long term analysis of the Earth under the Venus Project including a 'resource based economy'. More about the Venus Project in later posts).

I want you to be circumspect of anything I say in these blogs: to have doubts, reservations. But, again, I don't want you to dismiss what I say out of hand. Be open-minded, consider what I write, then go away and scientifically prove or disprove it. Just don't put it to a vote and trust in the 'wisdom of the crowd' (I recommend you watch/re-watch the 1957 movie "12 angry men" to underline this point).

Often I am incorrect. I'm frequently revising and developing my theories. So if your idea for achieving a happy World is better than mine, that's absolutely fine by me.

I'm going for a walk. Write more later.

The walk

I will tell you of my evening walk: the occurrences and what I was thinking. Be warned, my thoughts are uncensored and sometimes not thought through fully. Much of what I say below is over-generalising and, in cool reflection, is not true of many people. This is simply an account of what I was thinking during my walk: -

I was walking towards a shop to buy some biscuits, and passed a bus stop with all the perspex panels smashed out. "Bastards," I said quietly, thinking of the people, including the elderly, that would be unprotected from the icy wind at this time of year as they waited for the bus (that was sometimes late). As I walked I was careful to keep looking down to avoid the frequent patches of dog feces on the pavement. At the same time, I had to be on my guard against the thorny branches that protruded from some gardens and hedges over the public pavement, representing a serious threat to the eyes especially. People just don't seem to care about others, I thought. I must remember to snip those thorns and place a note in the person's door (anonymously, in case the person takes offence at me trying to tell him or her what to do - how dare I! Who do I think I am?). In the meantime, I bent the most urgent thorn branches back into the body of the gardens/hedges. I really need a torch to avoid the dog shit - and safety spectacles for these fucking thorns, I thought.

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