32) The Travel Agency

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Posted 12th August 2016

"What about that one?" asked the man.

"Oh yes, that hotel looks beautiful from the outside!" added his partner.

The travel agent shifted awkwardly in her seat, knowing that the couple's hopes were about to be dashed.

"Ah yes, this is a popular choice for researchers and educators taking student excursions" said the travel agent.

"Oh, OK," said the woman, "But we're just looking for a relaxing holiday really, with fun activities. How does this hotel compare to the other one you showed us?"

"Eh, well, I agree, this hotel does look very beautiful from the outside, from a distance at least," said the travel agent, "And there are some beautiful, spacious rooms. The residents of these large, beautifully furnished penthouse suites enjoy access to the best the hotel has to offer. The best food is delivered to their doors, there are rooftop gardens with swimming pools, and the entertainment in these rooms is very good. The rooms are attended by butlers, housemaids, and are guarded by dedicated security officers."

"The rooms are guarded?" enquired the woman. "Is that necessary?"

"Eh, yes," said the travel agent. "This is a hotel which is still under development. It has yet to acquire its first star. Actually, the residents of the penthouse suites live in some fear and suspicion. You see, in the lower floors, there are many smaller rooms where the residents are actually suffering. Some of these less fortunate residents have become desperate. They fight among one another for scraps of food to feed their children. They see the opulence the wealthy residents live in, and they wonder why they and their children can't have the same, and instead have to suffer awfully. Some in the wealthy rooms give donations to those in the poor rooms, but most simply get on with their lives, indifferent to the plight of the downtrodden, ignoring their cries and screams. There are some ruthless wealthy penthouse owners who actively exploit the situation, making great wealth by giving mere scraps to the hungry so that the poor are forced to work as little more than slaves."

"What about those rooms in those middle floors?" said the man. "They don't look like they're too bad."

The travel agent sighed. "The majority of the rooms on the middle floors are occupied with people simply trying to get by, they struggle to get to higher floors, and fear dropping to lower floors. If they extend too much kindness to those in the lower floors, they too may find themselves left wanting, and vulnerable. They learn from an early age phrases like "It's a cruel world", "dog eat dog" and "it's not personal, it's only business". They learn to be hard and cold to others so as to protect themselves and their immediate families. And so the situation in the hotel maintains an awful and torturous equilibrium."

"Well, thank you for your help," said the man, "I think we'll go with your first recommendation after all, the 5 star hotel, Koro was it?"

"That's right," said the travel agent. "Just leave that with me, I'll have your booking confirmation with flight details sent out in a few days."

The satisfied couple waved goodbye to the travel agent, and exited the travel agency.

The travel agent, an android, walked over to the corner of the room and placed her hands on a metallic panel on the wall. After a few moments she was was fully recharged by the stored solar energy, and ready to help her next prospective traveller.

"Hello, I'm TA486," said the travel agent. "How can I help you?"

"Hi, I'd like to go to a hotel where I can be of service," said the beautiful young woman with long brown hair and soft brown eyes. "Somewhere where there is suffering and where I can be of assistance to those residents who are trying to help those in great need."

"Well this is serendipitous!" said the travel agent, "I was just showing a couple a hotel just like that this morning. It wasn't suitable for them as holiday-makers, but for someone on a mission like yours it is perfect!"

The android called up the 3D hologram rotating image of the hotel again.

"It looks beautiful from this distance," said the woman. "What's the name of this hotel?"

The android gave a gentle smile, and said, "Earth."


I want a total overhaul of this tired and cruel hotel we all share. I want a hotel where everyone has as good a life as the space available affords them. Where everyone helps one another. Where people are no longer fearful of one another, or cruel to one another, but instead can't help but love another. I want the hellish 0 star hotel where many have actively chosen to leave, to become a 5 star hotel where everyone loves to stay. Given the choice, I strongly suspect most would rather live in any one of the many beautiful rooms in the 5 star hotel that Earth could be, than live in the finest penthouse suite of the 0 star hotel that this Earth actually is.

The Detriments of Today's System

"From a distance, there is harmony"


Image of Earth at top of page from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uF_cuBWZBgE

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