Help me

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Down in the Mancave, I was kinda freaking out about calling Asa. It was almost midnight and I hadn't gotten one minute of sleep yet. I groaned and got out of bed to try and tire myself out, but it wasn't working. I needed advice. So I beeped Henry and after three triple beeps, he finally answered. "Ray? What's wrong?" He asked. "Can you come to the Mancave? I need to talk about something." I said, biting back a yawn. Of course now when I was out of bed I'd start to feel tired. "Yeah. Is everything ok?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah kid. Everything's fine. I just... I need some advice." I said. He nodded and said he was on his way. I closed my watch and waited on the couch for him to get here. When he did, he pointed at the elevator he'd come out of. "You want some advice, Ray? FIX THAT ELEVATOR!" He yelled. I waved my hand and stood up. "I need your help with something." I said. "What is it?" He asked. "I met this girl today and I have no idea what to do." I said. Henry started to laugh and I threw a pillow at him. "I'm serious!" I said. He stopped laughing and sat down on the couch. "Sorry. Ok so... Why don't you just do what you always do?" He asked. Usually what I always did was, I'd ask out a girl and go on a few dates until the trouble of being Captain Man caught up to me. It always did. "I'm tired of that, Henry. I want to get to know this girl better." I said. He nodded. "Ok. So do that. Ask her out and go on cutesy little dates and get to know her." He said. I groaned and rubbed my face in my hands. "Henry, you know it's not that simple! I've tried to do that with every woman I've been with and it only lasts until I have to be Captain Man again!" I said. Henry shrugged. "Honestly man, I have no clue what to say." He said. For a few seconds, we sat there silently. Then he spoke up. "Hey, there hasn't been a lot of crime lately." He said. I nodded. "I know. It's getting kinda boring just running JunkNStuff." I said. Henry stood and said, "Yeah, but you could go out with this girl now. The last 3 weeks you've had nothing to do but run the store, and I know how to do that. Let me cover for you." He said. "Really? You'd do that?" I asked, getting excited. Henry nodded and I hugged him. "Yeah man. Go have fun with your new girlfriend." He said. I chuckled. "She's not my girlfriend. Not yet anyway." I said. He nodded and he started walking up the three stairs to the tubes. 'Well good luck man." He said. "Thanks." I said, waving bye to him. He tapped his belt and the tube came down around him. "Up the tube!"  He shouted, and he flew back up to the store to go home. I was too tired to make it back to bed, so I laid down on the couch and let sleep take over. 

The next morning, I felt stiff. I had to stop falling asleep on that couch! I stretched and winced as things popped that I'm pretty sure weren't supposed to. Then I went back to my bedroom to change my clothes. I pulled on a red t-shirt and a pair of jeans, checked the monitors just in case, then went over to the tube. I tapped my belt and was suddenly grateful that I wasn't claustrophobic as the tube came down around me. "Up the tube!" I said, and up I went.  I flipped the Closed  sign to Open and went to sit behind the counter. Every time the door opened, I looked up hoping to see Asa. Only to become more depressed each time it wasn't her. It was much later, when I was flipping the sign back to closed, that she burst through the door. It hit me in the face and I grabbed my nose. "Ow!" I yelled. She gasped. "I'm so sorry!" She said. I shook my head and let my nose go. "I'm okay." I said. "Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded and smiled a little at her. "I'm sure, and you are late." I said. "I know. I was nervous and was trying to convince myself to come." She said. I smiled. "Well I'm glad you did." I said. She blushed and I got this weird feeling inside my chest, like I never wanted to stop looking at her cute face. "So how are you?" She asked. I shrugged. "Better now." I said, making her blush again. Yeah, definitely gonna have to keep her doing that.  


He moved so I could come in and we sat on some bean bags. "How are you, miss Asa?" He asked. I giggled. "You're never gonna call me Alyssa, are you?" I asked. He shook his head. "No probably not." He said. I laughed and answered his question. "Well I'm doing just fine now as well. At least today it's not raining." I said. Ray shrugged, "You know, I don't mind the rain so much anymore." He said. "Why?" I asked. "Cause if it hadn't been raining yesterday," he said, "I wouldn't have met you."  I blushed and smiled at him. "Ray Manchester, are you flirting with me?" I asked. He chuckled and looked at me. "Would you mind if I were?" He asked. "No I wouldn't." I said, smiling at him. He scooched his bean bag closer to mine and leaned in close to me. "Well then I guess I'll keep doing it." He said. My face probably looked like a tomato by now! I blinked quickly, in a total daze because of this man, and I heard him laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked. "You." He said. I raised my eyebrows at him and he fought back more chuckles. "What do you mean me?" I asked. "Your reactions to me." He said. I nodded and looked away from him. "I won't look at you then." I said. I felt his hands on my shoulders and he said, "No come on! Look at me please?" He asked. "Nope." I said, playing with him. "But I have to ask you something." He said. I jokingly sighed and turned back to him, my breath catching when I saw how close he was to me. "S-so... What do you have to ask me?" I asked. He smiled. "Will you..." He paused. "Will I what?" I asked. "Will you go out with me this weekend?" He asked. "I... um... Yeah. Yeah I will." I said. His face broke into a huge grin and he got up. "Will you really?" He asked. I laughed and stood up. "Yeah! What time?" I asked. He shrugged a little bit. "Uh... How does Saturday at 7 sound?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. "That sounds great Ray." I said. He threw his muscled arms around me and hugged me tightly, making me gasp before hugging him back. When he let me go, he was blushing as hard as I was. "So... See you Saturday?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah. See you Saturday." I replied. It was 11:32 pm now and I had to be up early tomorrow. "I guess I should get going." I said. I noticed his face fall a little and touched his cheek. "I'll see you Saturday, Ray." I said. He nodded, still looking upset. "Ok. Mind if I call you tomorrow?" He asked. I giggled. "Not at all." I said. He nodded, and after one more hug, I walked home.

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