The Date

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Thursday and Friday seemed to pass in slow motion. I went through my normal routine of going to work and going home, skipping JunkNStuff. I was scared I'd break off the date or something. When I woke up Saturday morning, I heard my phone vibrating from a text. Ray had sent me a message. "Good morning," It said, "I can't wait to see you tonight. Come by the store later?" He asked. I smiled and wrote him back. "Hey. I can't wait for tonight either. Yeah I'll come by. Are you as nervous as I am?" I asked.  A minute later, he wrote back. "I'm extremely nervous. But it'll be fun. Trust me." He said. I smiled. "Are you busy now?" I asked. He wrote back, "Yeah sorry. I'm helping one of my employees with something." He said. "Ah. Okay well I'll just see you later then." I said. He sent a smiley face and I sent a wink, then that was the end of our conversation. I got up and went downstairs to make breakfast. I groaned when I saw that I'd forgotten to put on the coffee last night, then grabbed all the things I needed to make it. When it was done, I grabbed my waffles and went to the couch. A news report about Captain Man was on about a criminal he'd caught this morning. Someone called, The Toddler, had been planning something with mutant babies. I shook my head and changed the channel, that was just too weird for so early in the morning. I finished my breakfast and got up, wanting to get an outfit ready for tonight, so I picked up my phone and sent Ray a text. "So what do you have in mind for tonight?" I asked. It was a few minutes later when I heard my phone ringing. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey." Said Ray, sounding very tired. "You okay?" I asked. "What? Oh yeah, I'm fine." He said. "Oh. Uh... How has your morning been so far?" I asked. He probably didn't mean for me to, but I heard him sigh a little. "Fine. Busy." He said. I nodded, even though he couldn't see me and the conversation picked up an awkward silence. "Uh, you were asking about tonight." He said, bringing it back up. "Yeah, um, any ideas?" I asked. "I was thinking something fun. Maybe... Mini golf and dinner after?" He asked. I noticed his voice sounded lighter and I smiled. "That sounds perfect." I said. "Great." He said, and I could hear the smile in his voice. "I'll see you tonight." I said. "See you tonight." He replied, and we hung up.


I leaned back in my chair and rubbed my face with my hands as I groaned. I knew this was going to happen! There hadn't been any  crime in Swellview for weeks and now as soon as I ask out Asa, The Toddler shows up. I want to get to know Asa better, but at the same time I don't want her getting mixed up in any of this. Henry spoke up, "You could just tell her the tru-" I cut him off, "I am not telling Asa that I'm Captain Man." I said. I couldn't tell her. Not yet anyway. I'd probably never be able to tell her who I was. Come on, I thought to myself, don't think about that yet. let's just get ready. So I got up and brought out different shirts and pairs of jeans. "Charlotte, I need your help." I said, showing her the different items I'd brought out. "With what?" She asked. "I have a date tonight and I don't know what would be best." I said. Why was I suddenly needing fashion advice from Henry's friend? Usually I threw on the first thing my hands touched and went, but now... What was happening to me? I heard Charlotte calling my name and turned my attention back to her. "Yeah?" I asked.  "I asked you where you were taking her?" She said. "That little glow golf place and then dinner." I said. She nodded and looked through the clothes I'd brought out. She brought out a pair of blue jeans and my blue shirt that had bright flamingos on it. I went back to my room to change into these and make sure I looked alright, the went back out to Henry and Charlotte. "Are you meeting her now?" Henry asked. I shook my head. "No. I'm picking her up at 7." I said. Then I suddenly realized that I didn't have Asa's address, so I sent her a text and she replied giving me her address and directions on how to get there. I sat back on the couch and sighed. I didn't want to wait until 7! It was only 4 o'clock now. I'd go crazy before the time got here! As I was sitting there, I felt something land next to me and opened my eyes to see a ping pong paddle. Henry had the other one and was setting up the table to play, so I went over to help him. It took my mind off the time for a while, and when we played our last game it was already 6:53! I ran to the tubes and went up, then got in my car and drove to Asa's house.


It was 6:45 now, so I got up and dressed. I pulled on a pair of blue jeans and a black tank top, then wore a white flannel over that. I pulled on my grey Converse and waited for Ray. Finally, right at 7 o'clock,  there was a knock on my door. My heart was pounding as I walked over to answer it, and I smiled when I opened the door to see Ray. "Hey." He said. "Hi." I replied, putting my hair behind my ears. "You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and we walked to his car. "Have you ever been glow golfing?" He asked. I shook my head and replied, "No, I can't say I have." He smiled at me. "You'll love it." He said. I smiled and felt my nerves wearing off. He was right about loving it, I did. Especially the way his bright shirt changed colors! I kept laughing at how bright he was, and he was smiling at me. I discovered, as we kept playing, that I sucked at mini golf. "Here," said Ray, "Let me help you." He stood behind me and placed his arms around me and his hands over mine. He pulled the golf club back and swung it, and I watched as the ball actually went where it was supposed to. I laughed as he picked me up and swung me around saying, "Congratulations!" The next two holes he did the same thing, then the one after he stood back and watched. "Try this one yourself now." He said. I took his hand and said, "Well I could... Or you could keep doing the cute snuggly thing you're doing." I said, laughing and pulling his hands around me. He laughed and helped me again before I finished the last 3 on my own. When we left, he took my hand in his and held it as we walked out to his car. Dinner was amazing! We laughed and talked and got to know each other really well. I was a little upset when it was over. When we got to my house, I invited him inside and we watched a movie. It was called Final Destination, and I hid my face in Ray's chest through most of it. When it was over he looked at me and said, "You know there are like, five more, right?" I took the remote and turned the tv off. "Well I am not watching any more before I go to bed." I said. He chuckled and we stood up then went to the door. "I had an amazing time tonight Ray." I said. "I'm glad. I had fun too." He said. "Will I see you at JunkNStuff tomorrow?" He asked. I nodded. "Definitely." I said, making him smile. We said our goodbyes and I watched him leave before going inside and changing into pajamas. I went to bed smiling that night.

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