Dress Shopping

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Charlotte and Henry came down the tubes as Ray and I sat at the table eating lunch. "So Alyssa, it's June 9th. When are you going shopping?" Henry asked. "Shopping for what?" I asked, biting into my sandwich. "Uh... Your wedding dress." He said. "Dammit!" I said as I jumped up. "Charlotte come with me!" I said as I rushed to the tubes. "Where are we going?" She asked. "Dress shopping!" I said. "Ray press the button!" I said, and he pulled out the remote. The tubes came down around Charlotte and I. "Up the tube!" I said, and up we went. "I can't believe it's ten days before your wedding and you're just now shopping!" She said. "Excuse me for being forgetful!" I said as we got into the car. "Wait, this is Ray's car. Do you have the-" I cut her off by holding up the keys. "Took 'em before we left." I said. I drove to the first dress store and one of the assistants gave me a few dresses to try, the first of which was a ball gown type. "I don't think I need anything this fancy." I told Char. I tried on a few more dresses before leaving empty handed and heading to another store. Which I also left without buying anything. I was becoming frustrated, then I heard Charlotte's phone ringing and looked to see Ray was calling. She handed her phone to me and I answered. "Hey babygirl. How's the shopping going?" He asked. I groaned. "Not good." I said. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I don't know how to be a girly girl, Ray. I wear jeans and your shirts!" I said. He chuckled. "Well how about this, take a break and meet me and Henry for lunch, ok?" He asked. I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "You nodding?" He asked. I laughed. "Yeah I was. Lunch sounds good. Where are you guys?" I asked. "Carpe Cafe." He said. "Ok. We'll meet you guys there." I said. "I love you babygirl." He said. "I love you too baby." I replied, then hung up the phone and gave it back to Charlotte. "Where to now?" Charlotte asked. "Lunch." I said, and drove us to where Ray and Henry were. When Ray saw us coming, he pulled out our chairs and pushed them in we sat down. "Thanks baby." I said. "So what brings you ladies here?" He asked jokingly. I giggled and shook my head, "This damn shopping, that's what." I said. He laughed and kissed me. When our waiter came over, he was really focused on me. Ray grabbed my hand as he ordered his food and I had to hide my smile. So this is what it's like to be on the other end of jealousy. When we waiter left, Ray turned to me. "Is this how you feel?" He asked. I nodded and he kissed me hard. I laughed against him. "I am so sorry." He said. I shook my head at him, "You can't help you're adorble." I said. He chuckled. After lunch, Charlotte and I went back to shopping while Ray and Henry responded to a bank robbery that was happening. "Maybe in this store you'll find something." Charlotte said. "You mean hopefully." I said, smiling at her. "I know you're tired, I'm sorry Char." I said. "I'm fine. I kinda like just us girls being out." She said. I smiled and we bumped fists as we walked into what was hopefully our last store. When we went in, the ladies tried to hand me a bunch of poofy, frilly dresses, but one near the back caught my eye and I went back to it. "This is it." I said. I went to try it on and I fell in love with it. It was backless, and was made from lace.

"That is gorgeous! It looks gorgeous on you!" Charlotte said

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"That is gorgeous! It looks gorgeous on you!" Charlotte said. "Thanks sweety." I said. I changed back into my clothes and bought the dress, then we went home. When we got there, Ray and Henry were in a heated match of ping pong. Ray looked over at me when we came down the tubes though and didn't hit the ball. Henry threw his arms in the air. "I win!" He yelled. "No fair! She distracted me!" Ray said. "How did she distract you?" Henry asked. Ray wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my neck. "Look at this beauty." He said, taking my hand and twirling me, "How could you not get distracted?" He asked. I laughed and kissed his cheek. "I can not wait to marry you babygirl." He said. "Ray you're gonna make me cry." I said. He chuckled and kissed me lightly, teasingly. "You two are gross." Henry said, "Cute, but gross." He said. We laughed and I walked back into the bedroom to hang my dress in the closet. That night when Ray and I went to bed, he was kissing me and laying me down into the mattress. I smiled and wrapped my legs around him as he moved slowly inside of me, and we held each other close for what felt like forever afterwards. In just ten days. we'd be married! I watched Ray as he slept. His eyelids fluttered and his lips were parted just slightly. His soft snores made me smile and kiss his cheek. He sniffed and stirred a little, but didn't wake up. I started thinking about what the Alternate Universe Ray had said about the wedding though. Something was going to happen that made me and Ray almost break up, for good this time....

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