Chapter 15

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The wedding was beautiful. It was at sunset and it felt amazing outside. As James and Taylor walked back down the aisle to go to their honeymoon spot, everyone else stayed for a little while to talk. I saw Ray looking at where James and Taylor had been standing, like he was daydreaming, and I walked over to him. "Where you at?" I asked, running my fingers through his hair. He smiled. "I'm here." He said, patting my knee. "I'm right here." I kissed his cheek and took his hand as I stood. "I guess we should start packing, hm?" I asked. He looked up at me, "I've been thinking actually..." He said. "Yeah?" I asked. "What if we... Stayed here one more day? Or two?" He asked. My eye brows raised as we stayed there. "Is this the same man that couldn't stop checking on Swellview yesterday?" I asked. He chuckled and nodded. "Yeah but it's nice here. And I figured, Henry can handle one more day." He said. I smiled and sat on his lap, he put his arm around my back. "Let's do it then. We'll stay a little longer." I said. He smiled. "Guess what." He said, and I looked at him. "What?" I asked. He took my chin and pulled my face down to kiss me. "I love you." He said before kissing me harder. I knew what he wanted now. I took his hands and pulled him out of his chair, then we walked up to the hotel. We were laughing, kissing, and stumbling down the hall until we got to our room. He made sure the door was locked before he turned to me and kissed me again. I felt him start to lift my dress, and I lifted my arms over my head so he could take it off. I bit my lip as he looked me up and down, then he came down and started to kiss my neck. "So damn beautiful." He growled, and I moaned as he kissed and nibbled on my neck. I undid his tie and unbuttoned his shirt. Then I slid it off his shoulders and down his arms and pulled off the undershirt. I kissed his down his chest until I reached his pants, then I unbuttoned and unzipped those and he kicked them off. He pulled me up and put his hands around my legs, then lifted me and carried me to the bed, where he laid me down and crawled over me. I moaned and giggled as he kissed down my neck and chest. He slid my bikini top off and kissed me, giving me goosebumps. Then he took the bottom off. I took his shorts off and wrapped my arms and legs around him. Lets just say.... We had a great night! After we finished, I turned and smiled at him. "Guess what Ray." I said. "What?" He asked. I kissed him. "I love you too." I said, then cuddled closer to him and went to sleep.
When we woke up the next morning, we decided to go on back to Swellview. We booked a flight and by that night, we were back home. We saw Henry in the Mancave and he rushed to hug us when he saw we were there. "How was the wedding?" He asked. "Beautiful!" I said, putting my jacket on. I'd missed the chill of the Mancave. "Where's Shwoz?" I asked, then I heard the wall sliding. "Shwoz is here." He said, and I ran to hug him. "Hey Shwoz!" I said. "Hello. Did you enjoy the vacation?" He asked. I nodded. "It was so nice." I said. Ray came back then from putting our cases away and he hugged Henry and Shwoz too. "How were things here?" Ray asked them. "Great. There wasn't much crime really. Just Jeff." Henry said, and Ray groaned. "Ugh. Jeff." He said. I looked from him to Henry. "Who's Jeff?" I asked. "He's the stupidest criminal in Swellview." Henry said. I nodded. "So, can you stay for some dinner Hen or do you have to go?" I asked. "Nah, I can stay." He said, and we ordered a pizza. Over the next few days, the crime picked up again. This time, Ray and Henry were dealing with the Time Jerker. He couldn't be caught because he had a time machine. Yeah. He invented time travel. Ray was way stressed out over it too. "Baby, you need to sleep." I said one night at 2 a.m.
I'd found Ray sitting at the monitor and trying to track any movement of the Time Jerker that he could. He sighed though and waved his hand at me. "You sleep. I need to do this." He said. I sighed and pulled the chair away from the monitor, but he just stood up and walked back over to it. "Ray, you're gonna get all sleep deprived. Come back to bed." I told him, and he turned to face me. He crossed his arms and sighed. "Do you know how long the Time Jerker has been getting away with the things he's doing?" He asked. "No but-" "Well do you know that he's apparently here in Swellview and I don't have one single damn lead on him?" He asked, his voice got a little louder, and I shushed him before he woke Shwoz. "I know Ray but-" "Well, if you know I'm busy then why are you still standing there?" He asked, and I caught my breath. Ray was never this rude, and I didn't like it. But I wasn't wasting the time to argue when I could be getting sleep. "Fine," I said, "I won't bother you, Captain Man." I turned and walked back to the bedroom, where I locked the door. It was stupid, I know. But I got mad easily and Ray knew that. I hadn't even laid down yet, when there was a knock on the door. "Let me in please, Asa." He said, and I walked to the door but didn't open it. "Are you sure? I wouldn't want to waste any more of your time." I said. "Cmon, please don't be this way." He said. "I'm not being any way." I said tonelessly. "Baby please... Open up." He said, and as mad as I was, I still opened the door. He was standing there, in his pajamas, looking tired as all hell. "I'm sorry I snapped at you." He said. I didn't say anything, just turned and crawled into bed. He sighed and came in after me. "Baby look, I don't mean to be rude, I'm just stressed. I need to keep you, and the city safe. That means finding the Time Jerker and putting him in jail." He said. I cupped his face in my hands. "But you have to take care of yourself too." I said. He sighed and took his hands in mine. "I know. Ok, let's get to bed then. You need sleep too." He said. I kissed his cheek and pulled him by his hand to the bed and we laid down and finally went to sleep.

When I woke up, Ray was gone and I felt like hell. My stomach started to feel funny, and I managed to stumble into the bathroom before getting sick. After, I pulled my hair into a ponytail and tried to make it out into the Mancave. That didn't happen how I wanted it too and I ended up tripping over the step coming out from the big sprocket. "Lyssa!" Shwoz exclaimed, and he ran over to help me up. "What happened?" He asked. "I feel really sick Shwoz." I whimpered. He helped me to the couch and I laid there. He pressed his hand to my forehead and when he took it away he walked off somewhere, then returned with one of the spare blankets and some pillows. He helped me sit up so he could fluff the pillows around and then when I laid back down he covered me up. "Thanks Shwoz." I said. "Is this the first bit of the morning sickness?" He asked, pulling the computer chair over and sitting across from me. "I felt fine last night." I said, hoping Shwoz wasn't wondering what I thought he was. "It is probably just a cold, but..." He didn't finish. "I'm not pregnant Shwoz." I said. "How can you be sure?" He asked. "I think I'd know if I was." I replied, he was about to say something, but I didn't hear him because I was throwing up again and had to run off. He helped me back to the couch when it was over and tucked me back in. Shwoz went over to the machine and got me some Sprite and some chicken noodle soup. Which I couldn't keep down for even two minutes. "Ok, no more food." I said. Shwoz nodded. I heard the tubes come down and then I heard cheering from Ray and Henry. I groaned and held my head in my hands, making Shwoz shush them. "What's wrong?" Henry asked. "Lyssa has been sick since she woke up." Shwoz said, and suddenly Ray was in front of me looking worried. "Sick how?" He asked. I sniffed and uncovered my face to answer him. "I've been throwing up all morning and my head feels like it's a balloon." I whined. "Oh my poor baby." He said, and he kissed my forehead. "You're burning up honey." He said. "Really? Cause I feel like I'm in an ice box!" I said. "Well don't worry. You're going to get the best care until this is over." Shwoz said. Ray and Henry nodded. "So how'd it go? Did you catch the Time Jerker?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "Yeah baby. We got him." He said. "Good." I said. Then I realized that Henry was standing near Ray and I covered my mouth again. "Careful Henry," I said, "I don't want you getting sick." He took a small step back and smiled. "If it got me out of my math test coming up, can I get a hug?" He asked jokingly. I laughed a little and shook my head. "You don't want this honey. Trust me." I replied. "Well, I gotta go study then." He said, and he pat my head before opening the elevator. "Ray, help me get this out?" He asked. "Oh yeah! Shwoz, we got you a present!" Ray said, going over to the elevator. I sat up to see what they were bringing out and saw a big circular machine. It had a smaller machine with a bunch of buttons and wires on it. "What is that?" I asked. "It's the Time Jerker's time machine!" Henry said as he walked into the elevator. He left and then Shwoz and Ray messed with the machine a little bit. It was adorable, how excited they got over it. It was a few hours later though, that Ray was making us nervous having the machine so easily accessible. "Whatcha thinking about?" I asked him, as I caught him staring thoughtfully at the machine. "I was just... I was wondering if I could change it." He said. "Change what?" Shwoz asked slowly, coming over to us. Ray looked at him and said, "Me."

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