One Year Later

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"Good morning, my love." I said as Ray opened his eyes. He put an arm around me and pulled me close for a kiss, "Now it is." he said. I laughed as he kissed down my chin and to my neck, then came back up. "I have-" my sentence was cut off by the sound of the alarm. Ray groaned and threw the covers off of him, then pulled on his robe and shuffled out to the big monitor. Henry, who had stayed last night, was already up and looking over the screen.

"It's Jeff." Henry said. Ray groaned and pulled fistfuls of his hair, something he did when he was annoyed. "I got up for Jeff?" He asked angrily. Henry sighed, "Should we even bother?" he asked. Ray sighed, "It's our job." he said. I watched as they blew the bubble and turned into their super hero alter ego's, then they dashed over to the tubes. Ray quickly came back and gave me a kiss, "Love you, babygirl." he said. "I love you too." I replied, and watched as they flew up to stop Swellview's lousiest criminal. I went over to the instant food machine and placed my hand on it, "Mint chocolate chip ice cream and a spoon." I said. The machine repeated my order as it gave me the bowl and spoon. After grabbing those, I walked to the couch and grabbed the remote to bring down the TV and I caught up on Walking Orange until Ray and Henry got back. Well, Ray came back. Henry had to go home to get ready for some test that was coming up at school so we had the Mancave to ourselves now. "So what were you saying before the alarm went off?" Ray asked as he sat next to me. He blew a bubble and suddenly his Captain Man uniform turned back into his robe from this morning. "Oh, uh, I just wanted to tell you that yo-" suddenly his watch was beeping. "Who's that?" I asked. "Henry. Gimme one second, let me see what he wants." he said. I nodded as he opened his watch and Henry's tiny figure appeared. "What's up, Henry?" Ray asked. "Turn on the news!" Henry exclaimed, and I flipped to the Swellview News. Two astronauts were being held hostage on the International Space Station, and one of them was from Swellview. Great. Ray started to smile and looked at the tiny Henry. "Kid, guess where we're going." he said, smiling widely. Henry smiled, "I'll be there soon." he said, then disappeared, meaning he'd closed his watch. Ray walked back to the bedroom, and when he came back out he was in actual clothes. "Shwoz!" he yelled. A few seconds later, Shwoz came out of his bedroom. "You know that rocket you have?" Ray asked in a polite, yet totally obvious that he needed something voice. Shwoz nodded while looked at him wearily. "Yes. Why?" he asked. "I need it." Ray said bluntly. "Ooh no, I need it for marriage!" Shwoz said. Ray chuckled, then stopped and held out his hand. "Okay now seriously, give me the key." he said. I stood a little ways away from them, since Ray and Shwoz tended to overreact around each other. "No! I need that rocket and usually whenever I let you borrow something it comes back damaged!" Shwoz said. Ray pinched the bridge of his nose, "Shwoz give me the key!" he said louder. "No!" Shwoz replied, then grabbed the Anti-Grav and turned it on. He floated up until he was crawling on the ceiling, and Ray was looking up at him. "Shwoz! Get down!" he yelled, then grabbed his laser-gun. "Ray," I said, "don't you dare fire that at Shwoz!" Ray grumbled, but put the gun down. Shwoz laughed above us, "Whipped!" he said. Ray pointed the laser gun up at the ceiling and fired. He missed, and large chunks of the ceiling fell to the floor. "Ray!" I exclaimed. Then the elevator was falling, and a few seconds later Henry walked out as Ray fired again at Shwoz. "Woah! What's going on?" he asked. I sighed and walked over to him, "Shwoz apparently has a rocket that he won't let Ray use." I said. "Shwoz has a rocket?" Henry asked, as shocked as I was. "It's called the Love Shuttle!" Shwoz said, still on the ceiling. "Why do you have a Love Shuttle?" I asked, looking up to Shwoz. "It's for when I get married!" he called back. "Yeah," Ray said, "because when Shwoz gets married, he wants to have his honeymoon on the actual moon!" "Aw." I said, smiling. "Don't 'aw'! I need that shuttle!" Ray said. I rolled my eyes and laughed at them arguing. Ray fired again and missed, making Shwoz laugh and sing, "Missed me, missed me, you are very stupid!"  "Those are not the lyrics!" Ray shouted, and started rapidly firing at the ceiling. All he knocked off was Shwoz's shoe. "You're a terrible shot." I said. "Like you could do better." he replied. I walked over to the couch and pulled it so it sat underneath Shwoz, then I took the laser gun from Ray and fired at the Anti-Grav, making Shwoz fall. "Love how competitive you are!" Ray said, kissing my cheek before going to Shwoz. "Listen, Shwoz, do you plan on getting married in the next ten hours?" Ray asked. "Well... no." Shwoz replied. "Well, why don't you let Henry and I borrow it, save those astronauts, and we'll bring it right back?" Ray asked. Shwoz was silent for a few seconds, then sighed. "Fine. But you better bring it back in one piece!" he said. Ray placed his hand on his chest over his heart, "I promise not to damage your shuttle." he said. Shwoz nodded and coughed up the key. Literally. He had apparently swallowed the key and he coughed into Ray's hands. "That is disgusting!" Ray said, then went to wash his hands as Shwoz and I laughed.

When Ray came back to me, he wrapped his arms loosely around me and kissed my forehead. "Let's try again, what was it you needed to tell me, Princess?" he asked. I chuckled, "Honestly I don't even remember now." I said. "Aw, well maybe it'll come to you later." he said. I nodded, "Yeah, maybe."  I watched nervously as he and Henry changed into Captain Man and Kid Danger, then entered the small rocket. I couldn't tell Ray what I needed to yet, not while he needed to be focused on this and definitely not with everybody around. "Alyssa, you okay?" Jasper, who had come down to spread the news on the astronauts, asked me. I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile. "Yeah I'm fine," I said, "I always get nervous when they do stuff like this." "They'll be alright. They always are." he said. I smiled and mussed his hair. "You're a good kid, Jasper." I said. He smiled and turned back to the monitor. I walked over and pulled the couch back into place to sit down. I wanted to know how the mission was going, but I didn't want to think about the fact that my husband and the kid I considered a little brother were going into space. I closed my eyes as I leaned my head onto the back of the couch and thought about how I was going to break my news to Ray. I knew I had to tell him, but when? And what would be the result? All I know, is that our lives are forever changed.

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