Hospital Days

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"The... The baby?" I asked. The doctor nodded. "She was about 2 weeks pregnant. The trauma of tonight... It took it's toll. I'm extremely sorry." He said. I didn't know how to react. I was frozen. "When can we see her?" I heard Henry ask. "Right now. She was asleep when I left." He said, then he lead us down the hall to Asa's room. "You have 20 minutes." He said, then shut the door.  I sat, well, collapsed, into a chair near Alyssa's bed and started crying again. I took her hand gently, careful of the wires and tubes. Henry went to the hall to give me some time. "Alyssa... My gorgeous Alyssa." I couldn't manage above a whisper. "You did so good tonight. You are so strong, so smart... I'm so sorry I wasn't fast enough." I said. "Maybe if I had been there sooner... If I had been just a few minutes earlier... Maybe you wouldn't be in here. Maybe we'd still have our baby." It was getting hard to talk, my throat was closing up again. "I'm so sorry Alyssa." I cried, hanging my head on the edge of her mattress. 


I could hear Ray talking and crying, but I couldn't open my eyes. I couldn't get my voice to work. I was trapped in my own body while my boyfriend was blaming himself for things that weren't his fault. DAMMIT ALYSSA WAKE UP!



I was sitting in the hospital room with Shwoz, Henry, and Charlotte. Holding Alyssa's hand like I always did. I was numb. I'd cried the last of my tears and all I wanted now... Was Alyssa. I wanted her awake. I wanted her out of this room. I wanted her home. My eyes stung from the tears that wouldn't come out, and I wiped them with my hand. I didn't even know if there had been any crime lately. Although, I did notice Henry sometimes leaving for a few hours. He had family though. I was grateful for the kid. 


I was sitting with Alyssa, reading Game of Thrones to her like I had been for the past 4 days, when I heard a tiny gasp. I had had three false alarms since she'd been in here, and I was afraid to look over the book and see that she was still asleep. "Ray... Why'd you stop reading?" Her frail voice asked. I dropped the book on the bed and looked to see her awake and smiling at me. "Alyssa..." I said breathlessly. "Hey baby." She said. Then she winced. "What is it?" I asked, jumping up to help in any way I could. "My- my ribs." She said. "You had a lot of damage." I said, and she nodded.  I probably should wait to ask her, but I was way too curious. "Alyssa, um... Did... you know about the... The baby?" I asked. She looked over at me. 


I could only stare at him as I thought of something to say. Finally, I decided that the truth was the best option here. "Yeah. I... I was going to tell you after this whole Drex thing." I said, and I noticed his face darken at the name.  "I'm not pregnant anymore, am I?" I asked. He shook his head. "I'm so sorry baby girl. I wish it didn't happen. If I was faster maybe it wouldn't have b-" I interuppted him. "Ray, you know what hurts me more than anything?" I asked. "What?" He asked. "You blaming yourself for all this. I don't blame you. Not one bit." I said. I brought his hand to my mouth and kissed it. I noticed his knuckles were lightly bruised and looked at him. "I uh... I beat Drex's face in." He said. "Wow." I said. We fell into silence and I saw his face was wet. "Ray, please don't cry." I said, feeling my eyes well up. "I'm just... I could've lost you Alyssa." He said. "But you didn't. I'm right here and I'll be home soon." I said. "Hopefully." He said. I chuckled a little bit, gasping when I felt a sharp twinge. Ray walked to find a doctor and tell them I was awake. When they got in here the doctor asked me a bunch of questions like how I was feeling and if I had any pain anywhere. It took all I had not to be sarcastic. When the doctor finished the questions and a few tests, he took the needles out of my arms and I was able to finally get up. I slid off the bed and fell to my knees. Ray helped me up and wrapped an arm around my waist to help me stay upright. "Where to first?" He asked. "I wanna go home." I said. Ray looked at the doctor. "Any idea when that will be?" He asked. The doctor smiled at us. "Two more days, just to be on the safe side. Then you should be good to go." He said. After he left, Ray and I walked out into the lobby of the floor I was on and he asked where the cafeteria was. It was 4 floors below us. Ray lead me to an elevator and we got inside and he pressed the button. "God this thing is slow!" He said. I giggled and leaned against him. "Well we can't all have super sonic elevators." I said. He kissed my head and chuckled.
When we got out of the elevator, Ray sat me at a table near a window and then went to get food. He came back with a large tray of what looked like everything at the counter. "Thanks." I said, and started peeling an orange apart. "Henry text me while I was over there. Him, Charlotte, Jasper, and Shwoz are gonna join us for lunch." He said. I nodded. "Cool." I said. A few minutes later they were here. They all gave me gentle hugs and I wiped their tears when they started crying. "Guys look, I'm fine. I'm right here. Come here." I said, and I pulled them into another hug. We finally all sat down and ate some lunch. The kids caught me up on what I'd missed. "Ray actually read a book while you were out." Charlotte said. I laughed as Ray playfully sneered at her. "Hey! I read!" He said. "Magazines." I joked. "Hush you." He said. I giggled and kissed his cheek.
The next two days passed in slow motion. We fell into a routine of getting up and going to the cafeteria and then going back to the room where Ray would read another few chapters of the book. I wanted to jump up and down when the doctor finally told me I could go home. Ray helped me gather my things and we checked out. We had to stop by the store to get some prescriptions filled, but then we finally went back to Junk N Stuff and he carried me through the door. We took the elevator down and I was greeted with a chorus of "WELCOME HOME ALYSSA!!!"
I jumped a little, but then smiled and hugged everyone. "Thanks guys!" I said. They had thrown a small party for me. "You guys are the best." I said. It was a few hours into the little party when Henry looked at Ray. "Hey, wasn't there something you were gonna ask her?" He asked Ray. "Uh... Yeah but we-we're partying right now. It can wait." Ray said. "C'mon Ray," I said, "What'd you wanna ask me?" I asked him. He looked at me for a second before he started walking to the room. "Give me one second." He said. So I waited for a few minutes until finally he came back out. "Alyssa Caulfield... Before I met you, I was moving from relationship to relationship. I never thought I'd ever find the woman to make me slow down and actually enjoy the simpler things of life, or one that would understand that in my line of work that's not always possible. I..." he let out a chuckle, "I don't think I've ever been this nervous. Um, you stayed with me when I kept running off, whenever I pissed you off, after I told you who I was, you've been with me through all of that and now... I uh..." He pulled something out of his pocket and the knelt down. "Alyssa Caulfield, will you stay with me, forever, and do the the great great honour of becoming my wife?"

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