Side Effects

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Henry being indestructible was great for about a day. When he left that night, everything was fine! But now, we had a problem. See, Henry had gone home and was about to go inside, but then Charlotte sent him a funny text and he started laughing. What's wrong with that, you ask? Nothing! Except for the fact that now he breathes fire!  Ray paced the area between the table and monitor as he tried to think of something to do. If Henry's family found out that he was breathing fire, they'd find out he was Kid Danger. Then he'd never be able to come back to Junk-N-Stuff. We couldn't let that happen, so the 5 of us were trying to think of a plan. "This never woulda happened in the first place if you hadn't become Kid Danger." Ray said. I grabbed his hand and pulled him until he was sitting on the couch next to me. "None of this is your fault, Ray." Henry said. "Really? Cause I was the one who brought you here. I was the one who gave you the job and I was the one who got you into all the messes you've been in!" He said. "Ray I wanted to be Kid Danger! I knew the consequences of getting this job! I didn't care though and I still don't." Henry exclaimed.  "Look," said Charlotte, "let's just drop it for now until we can find a way to get this over with!" I looked to Shwoz. "Can't you do something?" I asked. He shrugged and sat next to us. "I do not know." He said. "How do you not know!?" Ray asked hotly. "Ray-" I said, trying to calm him. He jerked away from me. "Tell me! How the hell do you not know!? You helped invent the damn thing!" He said loudly. "Ray Manchester! Room!" I said. "But-" "Room! Now!" I yelled, grabbing his shirt by the collar and dragging him in there. I let him go and slammed the door shut. "I know you're angry, but that gives you no excuse to be an asshole to Shwoz!" I exclaimed. "Well what am I supposed to do? Huh? Go back out there and say, "No problem Shwoz, we'll just let Henry breathe fire forever!"" He tried to walk out, but I grabbed him and pulled him back. "I'm not done." I said. "You are going to apologize to Shwoz for that outburst, then you are going to sit calmly and we are all going to have a nice, civilized conversation. Do I make myself clear?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. "Ray Manchester, do I make. myself. clear?" I asked. "Yes m'am." He said. I stared him down for a few seconds, then moved to the side and he walked out. He sighed and put his hand on Shwoz's shoulder. "I'm sorry I yelled at you Shwoz." Ray said, then he sat on the back of the couch. "It is ok. We are all stressed." Shwoz said. "So what do we do?" Charlotte asked us. Henry opened his mouth to say something, then his phone rang. "Hello? Oh hey mom... Yeah... Wait, who? Oh... Ok... I'll be home soon I'm just, uh, at the soup kitchen. Ok bye." He hung up the phone and I stared at him. "Soup kitchen?" I asked. "I panicked! But now we have a problem." He said. "Cause there wasn't one before?" Charlotte asked. "Jasper's coming to dinner and he's bringing his cousin!" Henry exclaimed. Charlotte seemed to be the only one who understood the problem with that. "What's wrong with Jasper's cousin being with him?" I asked. "Jasper's cousin is planning to become a comedian." Henry said. "Yeah, and every time he's around he practices new acts for us." Charlotte continued. "Is he actually funny?" Ray asked. "He's hilarious!" Henry said. "Can't you get out of it?" I asked. Henry shook his head. "No. Cause not only is Jasper coming, but Piper is cooking tonight." He said. "What's she making?" Ray asked. "Tuna parmesan." Henry said flatly. I scrunched my eyebrows. "Have fun digesting that." I said. He sighed. "Back to this please. What are we gonna do?" Ray asked. "Shwoz... Sending Henry through the machine made him indestructible, yes?" I asked. Shwoz nodded. "Yes... Why?" He asked. "What would happen if we sent him through again?" I asked. Shwoz got a look on his face that I knew would lead to a brilliant plan. "We may be able to. I will have to do some readjusting but with the right amount of power, it should work!" He said. "Ok you guys work on that, I have to get home." Henry said. "Be careful, Hen!" I called after him. "Will do!" He called back. Then up the tube he went. I sighed and turned back to Shwoz and Ray. "So where do we start?" Ray asked.
*a few hours later*
When Henry came back that night, he looked like he was going to be sick. "Henry? What's wrong?" I asked. He opened his mouth, and I had to duck before I got hit with a burst of fire! Apparently holding in the laughter only made it worse! When the fire stopped, I put a cold towel over him (just in case) and lead him to the Densitizer. "Ok Henry, stand there. Ray, stand here." Shwoz directed. They did as told and Shwoz pulled the machine's lever. After a minute of bright light and some yelling, Shwoz switched the machine off and Ray stumbled forward. "WHOO!" He yelled, "That felt great!" After he recovered, he came to Henry with the rest of us. "Hen? How do you feel?" Charlotte asked. "Pretty normal." He replied. "How do we know if your really back to normal though?" Ray asked. It was at that time, that Charlotte decided to smash a vase over Henry's head, and then he was unconscious. "He's back!" I said. Ray lifted Henry and carried him to the couch, then I grabbed a cold rag and placed it across his for head until he woke up. "I'll drive you home, kid." Ray said. He came over and kissed me, then they left.

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