The Fire

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I opened my eyes and stretched, then noticed I couldn't move my right arm. I looked over and smiled when I saw Asa asleep on my shoulder. I kissed her head and she stirred a little bit but didn't wake up. That is, until an alarm started to go off somewhere. She sat up, pulling the blanket up around her, and tried to find where the noise was coming from. Then I saw her phone on the floor, and I got up to get it. She turned the alarm off and flopped face down back into the bed. I laid next to her and whispered in her ear, "Good morning." She turned to me and smiled groggily. "Mornin'." She said. "You have to go to work?" I asked. She shook her head and repositioned herself to get comfortable. "Calling out?" I asked. "Fired." She said. I climbed over her so I was face to face with her, making her smile. "What do you mean fired?" I asked. The smile disappeared and she sat up. "I got fired the day after our last fight." She said. "Why?" I asked. She looked like she was feeling bad about something, and I knew. "It's because of the rumors, isn't it?" I asked. She shrugged and I sat on the edge of the bed. I got my girlfriend fired from her job because I couldn't control myself. "I'm sorry." I said. I felt the bed shift and then the front of her body was pressed against my back as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. She kissed the back of my neck and I felt goosebumps cover my body. "Ray, please don't blame yourself for this." She said. "I can't help it. I mean, I'm Captain Man. I'm the reason you got fired I'm-" She put her hand over my mouth. "Ray?" She asked. "Yes?" I mumbled. "Shut up." She said, moving over into my spot and covering back up. I chuckled and laid down behind her, wrapping my arm around her waist. I started to kiss her neck and back, making her squirm and giggle. "Ray, aren't you supposed to go open the store?" She asked. I shook my head. "It's Saturday babygirl." I said. She turned over and pulled me down to kiss her, then sat up. 'What's wrong?" I asked. She stayed silent for a second, then I heard it. The elevator falling down. "Ray?" I heard Henry yell. I heard Shwoz and Charlotte do the same and yelled for them to hang on. Asa and I both got up and pulled clothes on before walking out to greet them. 


Ray lead the way out of his room and back into the Mancave, where we met Henry, Charlotte, and Shwoz. They looked happy when they saw me. "You told her!" Henry exclaimed. Ray smiled and nodded as Henry high-fived him. "So now you know the big secret. Welcome to Team Danger." Charlotte said. I smiled. "Team Danger?" I asked. Ray wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "That's the name they came up with for all of us who know the secret." He said. I nodded, then jumped as an alarm went off behind us. There was a robbery going on at Glass From The Past that they had to stop. Ray kissed my cheek and then he and Henry chewed the gum and were up the tubes. I sat on the couch for a while until Charlotte left and Shwoz went upstairs to the store. I wanted to explore, but decided not to touch anything I didn't know the purpose of. So I walked back down the hallway that Ray and I had walked out of and found the shower. A hot shower is exactly what I needed right now, so I grabbed one of Ray's shirts and some of my shorts and some towels before taking one. By the time I was out, Ray and Henry were done with the Glass robber and were totally beat. They threw themselves next to me on the couch, where I was catching up on some of my reading. "You guys ok?" I asked, placing my finger over the line I was on. They nodded. "Just tired." Henry said. "Did you guys catch the guy?" I asked. "Yeah," Ray said, "But during the fight we... may or may not ... have broken over half the inventory and knocked over some shelves." I sat down next to them. "Are you guys hurt?" I asked. They shook their heads. "No. The owner just made us clean up all the glass and fix all the shelves. That wore us out more than the robber did." He said. "I can't believe we had to clean the entire store." Henry said. "Well, you guys did destroy his entire store." I said, going back to my book. They only shrugged. Henry didn't stay long though. He decided to go visit his friend Jasper, leaving Ray and I alone. I noticed Ray looking at me and I looked over to see him smirking at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." He said, scooting closer to me. I watched him for a second before going back to my book. He scooted closer until he was sitting right beside me, then he started to kiss me. He kissed behind my ear then up and down my neck, making me close my eyes as I leaned my head to the side. "Ray... I'm trying to read." I said, placing my hand on his cheek. His lips never left my skin as he answered, "Then keep reading." I giggled. "You're making it a little hard to concentrate." I said. I felt him smile and then he kissed my lips. "Well now I really can't see what I'm reading." I said against his mouth. He sat my book open side down and laid me back onto the couch. "Then how about you take a break?" He said. I laughed as he came back down to kiss me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He kissed down my neck and I felt his hands at the bottom hem of the t-shirt I was wearing. He slid it up and off of me, making me shiver then giggle as he kissed on my stomach. He looked up at me through his lashes and smiled. "Ticklish?" He asked. I glanced down at him and shook my head. "Don't you dare." I said. He smiled evilly and started to tickle me. I squirmed and laughed as I tried to push his hands away. He started laughing as hard as I was, making me laugh harder. I managed to flip us over and I started to tickled him. Ray's laugh was contagious! He caught my hands and sat up before taking us back down and pinning them above me. He started to kiss me and the tickle fight was over. He let go of my hands and I felt him slide his hands down towards my shorts. I grabbed his hands and he stopped kissing me. "Not out here." I said, knowing that at any moment someone could come down here or up on the monitor. Ray wrapped my legs around his waist and picked me up, then took us to his room. Suddenly I had a bed underneath me and Ray on top of me. We kissed again as I started to unbutton his shirt...

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