Untitled Part 14

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The next morning, I woke up before Ray did. So I decided to get dressed and up and make... Well, summon (as I called it), some breakfast. I got pancakes, waffles, eggs, toast, bacon, sausage, and orange juice. As I was setting the table, I felt arms wrap around my waist and I smiled. "Good morning." Ray said. "Good morning." I replied. "You've been busy so far." He said, looking over all the food I had laid out. I shrugged. "I thought we could have some real breakfast this morning." I said, wrapping my arms around him. "Well it all looks delicious." He said. We sat down and started to eat. Then I yelled for Shwoz, cause I knew he'd be up. "Shwoz! Breakfast is ready!" I called. A few seconds later, he was out and sat with us. "It looks great." He said. I smiled and thanked him before taking a bite of my waffles, which Ray looked at disgustedly. He hated waffles. "Are you going to eat or just stare menacingly at my food?" I asked. "I just don't see how you can eat those things!" He said. "What do you have against waffles!?" I asked. "Oh do not get him started!" Shwoz groaned. Ray picked up a spare waffle from the plate and pointed at all the little squares. "These are what I have against waffles! All these damn little squares!" He said. "Ok? Why don't you like the squares?" I asked. He sighed heatedly. "Because, unlike with pancakes, when you try to spread the butter on them it gets stuck in all the squares so then you're getting a big mouthful of butter! Same thing with the syrup! Then they get soggy and crunchy at the same time and it throws it all off! Then-"  "Oh dear god." I said. He paused for a second and glared at me. "Then, when you try to cut them it's impossible because of the squares and they tear and go everywhere!" He explained. I pursed my lips as I nodded. "So... It's not the waffles you hate, it's... The squares?" I asked. He dropped the waffle back onto the plate. "No, I hate waffles all together." He said. Yep, my boyfriend was insane. After breakfast, the alarm started to go off. Ray jumped up and blew the bubble. Then he called Henry, who was there in just a few minutes and he changed quickly into Kid Danger. Before running off, Ray kissed me, long and hard, before going up the tubes to stop the next bad guy from trying to destroy Swellview. They were gone for a few hours, but I saw why when they returned. They'd stopped and gotten everyone some frozen yogurt and gotten a big case of it too. "We got it for free!" Henry exclaimed, and they went on to explain how the criminal was trying to sabotage every yogurt machine in Swellview so they'd explode and make huge messes everywhere. The guy had hit three different yogurt shops, so that meant that Henry and Ray had to find the shops he'd been to already and fix the machines. "The owners decided to thank us with free yogurt!"  Ray said, clearly excited about having so much of his favorite dessert. "Here," He said, handing me a cup of vanilla. "I got some of your favorite and then stopped by the candy store and got some of those Ande's Mints that you like." He opened the bag of candy and dumped the mints onto the table. "Aw! Thank you baby!" I said, breaking some in half and putting them on my ice cream. He smiled and kissed the side of my head. After Henry and Charlotte left, it was just Ray, Shwoz, and I, until Shwoz was barley able to stop yawning. He stood up from the table ad started walking to the wall that opened and lead to more rooms of the Mancave. "Goodnight you two." He said. "Night Shwoz." I said. "Goodnight." Said Ray, swallowing his bite of yogurt. Shwoz walked through the opened wall and went to his own room. Instead of following his lead, Ray and I sat out at the table and just talked. "So, my cousin is getting married in a few weeks. He sent an invitation and I was thinking of going. Seeing if you wanted to come with me." He said, scooping around the edge of his yogurt cup. "Yeah I'd love to." I said, setting my empty one on the table. "Well..." He said, setting down the cup he'd accepted he wasn't getting any more yogurt out of. I put my arm over the back of the couch and looked at him. "Well what?" I asked. "I just... I'm worried about leaving!" He said. I giggled. "Ray, that's not even for a few more weeks. Don't worry about it now. Besides, I'm sure Henry is more than capable of taking care of things while we're gone. He's great at his job." I said. He sighed and nodded. "Yeah but he's not indestructible." He said. I smiled at how protective he was of Henry. "Ray, Henry will be just fine taking care of things here. He's responsible and he's smart, and I'm sure that if he runs into something that he needs you for then he'll call you." I said. "That's true." Ray replied, crossing his arms. "And besides," I said, "how much can go wrong in three days?" 

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